The Foucault Reader
annie_L2021-05-28He is no longer the rhapsodist of the eternal, but the strategist of life and death. (P77). 老老实实读了Nietzsche, Genealogy, History这一节。
酸吗2017-02-01福柯本身的写作蛮repetitive的 可以想见当初的革命性 但现在基本每个section都被各自学术圈挖宝internalize的差不多了 要说新鲜的体悟也是难有了 译本出乎意料的好读 是我见过最平易近人(intelligible)的法国理论家了吧
nbpr2023-12-15来本sconce reader
Luc X2023-01-16What is Enlightenment, Right of death and power over life, we other Victorians, / Nietzsche genealogy history 23.3.5
SchitzKomm2023-09-21Foucault anthology at its best
[已注销]2013-04-18选的是最经典的文章,我没记错的话是福柯自己选的~ 算是管中窥豹(福柯)的最好入门吧~ 不过遗憾的是好像没有收录和乔姆斯基的那场辩论的记录。
Is Ying2015-06-03Foucault is as difficult to read as all those contemporary French scholars...But he did fashion a frame-transition in modern thoughts.