安那代01-14终于啃完了,被震撼到失语。真的,我感觉我无论点评什么都配不上它。唯一能说的就是千万要读英文版!虽然(对我来说)有些难读但语言像诗一样美。来一段感受一下:Program a map to display frequency of data exchange, every thousand megabytes a single pixel on a very large screen. Manhattan and Atlanta burn solid white. Then they start to pulse, the rate of traffic threatening to overload your simulation. Your map is about to go nova.
Asita12-20Audible. The best-known cyberpunk & only novel to win the Nebula, the Philip K. Dick, and the Hugo. Had to listen twice bc its long strings of fancy words often left me confused about what was going on, esp. when a conflict broke out & all I heard was the dashing of weapons, as if seeing a film in medias res. It was fascinating nevertheless.
Hildy at beach06-22银翼杀手的氛围,各种高科技换器官远程同步都不是问题,一个被神秘强大的力量组合起来的团队,去安保最严密的地方去解开一道锁。中间男主case被送到了一个小岛上,在这里他可以和昔日的恋人平静生活,这一段又特别像盗梦空间。很多次我都怀疑,男主经历的这一切到底是真是假。这部适合拍成电影,作者对各种设备如何操作,场景摆设,都已经做了详细的描述,详细到我这个读者要抓狂,这作者太细节控了。里面的人真是各有各的变态,根本无法预料下一步的行动是啥。如今看这个概念已经不新鲜了,但是这书是出在个人电脑普及之前,还没有全球网络。最后本书的名字直到书都快结束了,我才知道说的是谁,愿你成功。以及看这书里的世界,也没啥向往的。
菠萝,菠萝!03-23文笔好 但信息量太大 有声书读起来费力
綦05-05My forever sweet sorrows.
芣苡10-01Obviously brilliant writing but jargon and slang make it somewhat hard to read.