Celestial Bodies
爱穿高跟鞋de包12-01Wallahi... love is dreams, marriage is for real. Life, responsibility, children. No illusions. The right person is the one who respects and honors you, and you feel totally comfortable with, the one who will be a father you can be proud of, for your children’s sake.
pengood10-23在悉尼买的 打发旅途时间的 现在才看完
阿萌12-07太多似曾相识感了(not in a good way),作者写的是几个阿曼传统家庭的变迁和爱恨情仇,但换了名字也可以是印度、南美、尼日利亚。
一部分与所有07-02Abdullah retrospected the reciprocated love between him and his wife, and the complex intimate family relationships with all the people involved in under Oman’s past and coming of age. Relationships in realistic world ran like the celestial bodies, if one met another good things may happen, or the best; if met others may occurs the worst.