East of Eden
伊甸东03-31Cain and Abel - Caleb and Aron
打喷嚏的企鹅君09-22Lee! The best character in books. Adore him!
GREER05-22cain, Charles and Calab. Free me from my curse.
A Little Cloud07-31这是我最喜欢的小说之一,有些细节曾不断重读。斯坦贝克文笔极佳,每读到一些写景的篇章必有身临其境之感。小说中Lee这一华人形象虽身为仆人,但思想上却带有先知的色彩。当下俗务累身,若有时间沉淀下来,真想好好就此小说写一篇文章。
secret03-31很巧的在图书馆借到这本和James Dean那部电影同名的书,原来电影是书中一部分改编的。
ChocolatePiggy02-13The power to choose makes us human beings unique.
一只出走的猫05-13I hope that everyone has a Lee and a Sam he/she can talk to when they need to. A book full of insight and philosophical thinking that is worth re-reading again and again.
Apricot03-26only one book to a man. This, and another
竹取Pro05-14Yes, Adam stands for the human conscience, kindness and interior pursuit of rightness. We learned that he detested the recruitment of the war and inheritance of the money his father left, that he loved a girl from the bottom of his heart and devoted himself for the purity of love, and that he struggled all his life for a normal life. He is a hero.
俏皮猫11-11断断续续将近读了四个月。make choice and determine own destiny
Sean Gorilla08-20喜欢。另外,是哪位豆友给这本书加了“我想读得书”这个标签,能拿掉吗?谢谢。