The History Of Love

The History Of Love

Leo Gursky is barely surviving, tapping his radiator each evening to let his upstairs neighbor know he's still alive. But life wasn't always like this: 60 years ago, in the Polish village where he was born, Leo fell in love and wrote a book. And though Leo doesn't know it, that book survived, inspiring fabulous circumstances, even love.

NICOLE KRAUSS was born in New York in 1974.Her first novel Man Walks Into a Room was shortlisted for the LA Times Book Award.Her fiction has appeared in the New Yorker Esquire and Best American Short Stories.The History of Love has been translatd into more than twenty-five languages.Nicole Krauss lives in Brooklyn New York.

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  • 半个桃李林檎
    遇到好的英文故事,我都很想亲自翻译一下,水平不计,报酬另说,主要是方便推荐给朋友们看看。后来发现不止一版译文。把小说影像化,基调和色彩应该接近Amour,干练生动,从细微处打动人心。读到后面有一刻几乎落泪,一个父亲的默默守候,一个儿子的静静寻找,他们知道彼此存在,但没有等到相认。虽然我很长的时间都怀着疑惑,但不完美的结局是解脱,也是释然。可以说故事的主角是死去的犹太女人Alma,因为她是一切故事的起因,也是书中书的唯一主角;也可以说是同名的小女孩Alma,她想帮助母亲减轻丧夫之痛,开始寻找一切可能的对象,才偶然接触到改变了父母命运,也将改变自己命运的小说The History of Love。但我更觉得死守初恋的年迈Leo是真正的中心人物,或者说,这本书的主线是一本书,牵系起几个家庭三代人。
  • judeyu
    又是一部犹太人的苦难史,不同的是讲的是他们逃离以后的故事。两条叙事线并行:一条是行将就木的老人,the history of love的真实作者,他在回忆过去的那个Alma;另一条是十四岁的少女,也叫Alma,她在追寻the history of love 背后的故事,最终老人和少女在公园相遇。故事写得有些琐碎,没有想象中感人,不象评论中给好评的那些读者,我感觉始终没有融入之中,也许是隔了半个月才续完的原因,而之所以中断也是因为开头并不是很吸引人,也许这类题材的电影和小说太多了吧!
  • Nussknacker
    My advice: read it slowly! (this morning on BART, i was shocked for ~30s when I realized the book has ended). Always fascinated by books within books. Part of me wishes I can read the History of Love and Words for Everything (by Leo Gursky of course), part of me is afraid that would ruin the beauty and magic.