Giovanni's Room

Giovanni's Room

When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girl-friend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened--while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy.

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最新评论: 更多
  • 海上的亞德里安
    How can a black writer write about race without writing about sexuality? One of the most outstanding gay/bi classics in 20th century
  • 大林煎饼
    Part 1宛如让人微醺的低度数鸡尾酒,Part 2叙事温度骤降,像冬天站在阳台上迎头吹冷风,醉意全醒。理解David的钥匙落在the fire next time中。作为美国白人,David无能面对现实,消极逃避,随波逐流,最终破罐破摔,成为精神上的死人,而Giovanni虽然最终同样走向毁灭,却对自己感受到的爱、恨和痛苦有着精确的把握。“It is the responsibility of free men to trust and to celebrate what is constant — birth, struggle, and death are constant, and so is love...” — the fire next time
  • 卷毛草泥马
最新书摘: 更多
  • YY
    What happened was that, all unconscious of what this ennui meant, I wearied of the blunt, bluff, hearty, and totally meaningless friendships, wearied of wandering through the forests of desperate women, wearied of the work which fed me only in the most brutally literal sense. Perhaps, as we say in America, I wanted to find my self. This is an interesting phrase, not current as far as I know in the language of any other people, which certainly does not mean what it says but betrays a nagging suspicion that something has been misplaced. I think now that if I had had any intimation that the self I was going to find would turn out to be only the same self from which I had spent so much time in flight, I would have stayed at home.
  • YY
    I had said it lightly, with a smile, out of a desire to put myself in terms of an acquaintance with wintry things, on an equal footing with him. But the fact that I had said it as he held me hand made it sound to me unutterably helpless and soft and coy.
  • ways and means
    I loved her as much as ever and I still did not know how much that was.