
- 书名:致命的白色
- 作者: 罗伯特·加尔布雷思
- 时间:2024-06-18
- 评分:
- ISBN:9787020156313
◆ 二十多年的儿童失踪案,因保守党议会大臣之死再次浮出水面,背后究竟隐含着怎样的关联?
◆ 明、暗双重叙事互文,揭秘奇斯韦尔庄园兴衰史!在光鲜的上流社会地位和至高政治权利背后,究竟隐藏着多少不可告人的秘密?
◆ 硬汉侦探和聪明漂亮的女助手再次联手追凶,案中案谜团不断,情节跌宕起伏,反转精彩!惊险刺激,看点十足!
◆ BBC根据本系列改编的《神探斯特莱克》剧集,热映中!
- 上一篇: 文心
- 下一篇: Why Fish Don't Exist
Kevin2022-05-30She pictured his expression over the gun, as he had asked her why women thought there was any difference between them: the mother whom he called a whore, the stepmother he had seduced, Robin, whom he was about to kill so that he didn’t have to enter hell alone. Was he ill in any sense that would put him in a psychiatric institution rather than the prison that so terrified him? Or had his dream of patricide been spawned in the shadowy wasteland between sickness and irreducible malevolence? (Epilogue)
Kevin2022-05-30But Billy didn’t move. The skin and bone might have aged, but his face betrayed the fear and hopelessness of a small, motherless child whose sanity had been broken by the men who were supposed to protect him. Strike, who had met countless rootless and neglected children during his rackety, unstable childhood, recognised in Billy’s imploring expression a last plea to the adult world, to do what grown-ups were meant to do, and impose order on chaos, substitute sanity for brutality. Face to face, he felt a strange kinship with the emaciated, shaven-headed psychiatric patient, because he recognised the same craving for order in himself. In his case, it had led him to the official side of the desk, but perhaps the only difference between the two of them was that Strike’s mother had lived long e...
Kevin2022-05-30She watched Matthew struggling to find words that might save him, but the seconds slid by, and it was too late for real incredulity, for astonished innocence, for genuine incomprehension. (55)