Happier, No Matter What

Happier, No Matter What

Even when everything is going wrong, the science of happiness can help you!

Pioneering positive psychologist and New York Times–bestselling author Tal Ben-Shahar shows us how in Happier, No Matter What.

Ben-Shahar busts the all-too-common ideas that success brings happiness and that we can seek happiness itself. When hard times thwart our success and steal our joy, these ideas actually invite despair by leaving us with nothing to do.

But we can do something: We can climb the SPIRE—Ben-Shahar’s five-step staircase to hope and purpose.

Spiritual: I am experiencing meaning.

Physical: My body’s needs are met.

Intellectual: I am learning.

Relational: My friends support me.

Emotional: I am allowed to feel.

By truly living these five elements of well-being, we build the resilience to carry us through anything—from a personal loss to a global pandemic. Ben-Shahar’s all-new SPIRE method shows us the way to becoming “whole again”—and when we’re whole, we invite happiness in.

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  • 姜小白
    作者的母语是希伯来语,又特别喜欢《道德经》,希望解决困扰自己的问题对积极心理学产生兴趣,三十年的研究与教学,如此这般此书读来温存亲切。relational wellbeing写的最好,积极心理学本身就是背靠阿德勒学派,注重人际关系,从对外的赋予中寻找更高一层的意义。讲理,有一个前提,道理本身已经在读者心中存在,才能听讲后懂,否则会进入“鸡汤、一句话就能讲清偏要写本书”的ego。happy life不可企及,这是生命的常态,happier才是正解,如此简单明白的道理,读完竟然有豁然开朗的感觉,足见其narrative是教学训练出来的communication。关于友谊的攀比竞争,竟然比the courage to be disliked那个点更好,camaraderie略显小气。
  • QuietAmbassa
    2.5 The only takeaway from this read: If I say don’t think of a pink elephant u gon think about a pink elephant. Same thing if u tell urself don’t panic don’t be anxious u gon panic n be anxious. Instead acknowledge that u r human even try to say can I feel more anxious. That’s gonna calm u down.
  • 鲸鲸
    很受益的一句: "A friend we should be looking for is not a much of concession... rather let him be forever a sort of beautiful enemy untamable, devoutly revered, ...instead of trivial convenience we experience meaningful inconvenience."