Sigh, Gone

Sigh, Gone

For anyone who has ever felt like they don't belong, Sigh, Gone shares an irreverent, funny, and moving tale of displacement and assimilation woven together with poignant themes from beloved works of classic literature.

In 1975, during the fall of Saigon, Phuc Tran immigrates to America along with his family. By sheer chance they land in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, a small town where the Trans struggle to assimilate into their new life. In this coming-of-age memoir told through the themes of great books such as The Metamorphosis, The Scarlet Letter, The Iliad, and more, Tran navigates the push and pull of finding and accepting himself despite the challenges of immigration, feelings of isolation, and teenage rebellion, all while attempting to meet the rigid expectations set by his immigrant parents.

Appealing to fans of coming-of-age memoirs such as Fresh Off the Boat, Running with Scissors, or tales of assimilation like Viet Thanh Nguyen's The Displaced and The Refugees, Sigh, Gone explores one man’s bewildering experiences of abuse, racism, and tragedy and reveals redemption and connection in books and punk rock. Against the hairspray-and-synthesizer backdrop of the ‘80s, he finds solace and kinship in the wisdom of classic literature, and in the subculture of punk rock, he finds affirmation and echoes of his disaffection. In his journey for self-discovery Tran ultimately finds refuge and inspiration in the art that shapes―and ultimately saves―him.

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  • Y门食客
    书名sigh gone应是取Sai Gon(西贡)的谐音吧。作者一家是越战难民,在西贡沦陷后逃往美国。这本回忆录讲了他上大学前在全白人的宾州小镇上的生活。作者讲述的关于他所遭遇的种族歧视的故事让我觉得,种族歧视的本质是拒绝(reject)。白人拒绝承认越南移民是美国人。大大小小的种族歧视不仅使作者充满了愤怒,还腐蚀着他,使他有种被摁在地上无法高飞的感觉。他拼尽全力想要融入进去,获得周遭人的认可、尊敬,拥有白人认可的荣光。到高中毕业时,他已精疲力尽。最浅层次的种族歧视总让我想到机器学习的分类功能,输入特征,算法能输出拥有这些特征的东西所属的类别。作者身为少数裔族,在他的成长中,他会自然而然地思考种族歧视的问题。就如同身为女性的我,会思考性别歧视、女性主义。主张平等是一种主义吗?
  • EsTreLla
    Malcolm X那个章节写得很好。Racism从来都不只是白人和黑人的问题。Diligent, smart, good at math这种对亚裔看似褒扬的形容其实就是placebo,谁信谁就high咯~
  • 多喜子
    [有声书] 文学少年的成长之痛… 跟着父母作为越战难民到美国宾州小城,一路成长都为了融入所谓的美国主流,一开始是为了显酷读起了西方经典,没想到一读就爱上了,最后在一所文理学院读的Classics,毕业后做上了高中拉丁文老师。每章的章名都是部名著,比如The Metamorphosis啊The Importance of Being Earnest啊,但又特别符合他回忆的那段时光,文学性棒棒的!亚裔身份和种族问题的探讨、和父母还有他们代表的越南文化的冲突、自己在世界上到底是个什么样的存在和该是个什么样的存在… 成长都是有阵痛的,读者也很容易在作者的回忆录里找到共鸣,作者的背景和文笔给全书加入了更多的可读性。推荐!有声书作者亲自演绎!