7 Secrets of Shiva

7 Secrets of Shiva

Smeared with ash, draped in animal hide, he sits atop the snow-capped mountain, skull in hand, withdrawn, with dogs for company, destroying the world with his, indifference. He is God who the Goddess shall awaken. His name is Shiva. Locked in his stories, symbols and rituals are the secrets of our ancestors. This book attempts to unlock seven.

Dr Devdutt Pattanaik is a medical doctor by training, a marketing manager by profession and a mythologist by passion. He lectures extensively on the relevance of sacred stories, symbols and rituals in modern times. His books include 7 Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art, Shiva: An Introduction, Vishnu: An Introduction, Devi: An Introduction, Hanuman: An Introduction, Lakshmi: An Intr...

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  • 诗塔夫罗金
    好书,写的很清晰 简明易懂 ,国内没有任何一本介绍这方面的可与之相比