A History of Western Thought

A History of Western Thought

History of Western Thought contains in-depth discussion of the philosophical movements along with discussions on the natural sciences, the establishment of the Humanities, Socialism and Fascism, Psycholanalysis and the rise of the social sciences.

'This book largely hits its target and is useful not only for students of philosophy, but also for a broader audience. The authors deserve special praise ... for the broader context offered than in similar books [and] also for a coherent structure and explanatory scope that are both intellectually challenging. History... offers a reader the prospect of answers to central and fundamental questions that are desperately needed in the current era ... an ambitious and potentially powerful book.' - Thesis Eleven

This book largely hits its target and is useful not only for students of philosophy, but also for a broader audience. The authors deserve special praise ... for the broader context offered than in similar books [and] also for a coherent structure and explanatory scope that are both intellectually challenging. History... offers a reader the prospect of answers to central and fundamental questions that are desperately needed in the current era ... an ambitious and potentially powerful book. - Thesis Eleven --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

奎纳尔•希尔贝克 1937年出生,当代北欧最重要的哲学家之一。20世纪60年代曾担任著名哲学家赫尔伯特•马尔库塞的助教,现为挪威卑尔根大学荣休教授、挪威科学院院士、德国柏林大学和中国华东师范大学客座教授。从《虚无主义?》到《现代性的实践学》,再到近期出版的《时代之思》、《多元现代性:一个斯堪的纳维亚经验的故事》等,希尔贝克已经用挪威语、德语、英语和法语出版了十几部著作。

尼尔斯•吉列尔 1947年出生,挪威卑尔根大学荣休教授,著作有《巫师与人文主义者》等。


童世骏 华东师范大学哲学系教授。著作有Dialectics of Modernization: Habermas and the Chinese Discourse of Modernization、《批判与实践—论哈贝马斯的批判理论》和《论规则》等,译作有《在事实与规范之间》、《时...

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