The Diary of Anais Nin

- 书名:The Diary of Anais Nin
- 作者: Anais Nin
- 时间:2024-06-22
- 评分:
- ISBN:9780156260251
This celebrated volume begins when Nin is about to publish her first book and ends when she leaves Paris for New York. Edited and with a Preface by Gunther tuhlmann; Index.
蘑菇云2023-07-28当成小说来读。Anaïs Nin is the Pisces woman of all times and I’m obsessed with June I need a June of my own.
荷马的玫瑰2013-07-25'The diary taught me that it is in the moments of emotional crisis that human beings reveal themselves most accurately. I learned to choose the heightened moments because they are the moments ot revelation.
荷马的玫瑰2013-07-25It takes character to write a long, lifelong diary, a book, to create several homes, to travel, to protect others, and yet I have no character in human relationships. I cannot scold a maid, tell a hurtful truth, assert my wishes, be angry at injustice or treachery. I heard Joaquin say: 'Anais is a dreamer, she has no sense of reality. It is reality she thinks Henry is revealing to her.
荷马的玫瑰2013-07-24I live more on time. What is remembered later does not seem as true to me. I have such a need of truth! It must be that need of immediate recording which incites me to write almost while I am living, before it is altered, changed by distance or time.