War and Peace

War and Peace

At a glittering society party in St Petersburg in 1805, conversations are dominated by the prospect of war. Terror swiftly engulfs the country as Napoleon's army marches on Russia, and the lives of three young people are changed for ever. The stories of quixotic Pierre, cynical Andrey and impetuous Natasha interweave with a huge cast, from aristocrats and peasants to soldiers and Napoleon himself. In War and Peace (1863-9), Tolstoy entwines grand themes - conflict and love, birth and death, free will and fate - with unforgettable scenes of nineteenth-century Russia, to create a magnificent epic of human life in all its imperfection and grandeur.

Anthony Briggs's superb translation combines stirring, accessible prose with fidelity to Tolstoy's original, while Orlando Figes's afterword discusses the novel's vast scope and depiction of Russian identity. This edition also includes appendices, notes, a list of prominent characters and maps.

Count Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana, Russia. Orphaned at nine, he was brought up by an elderly aunt and educated by French tutors until he matriculated at Kazan University in 1844. In 1847, he gave up his studies and, after several aimless years, volunteered for military duty, serving as a junior officer in the Crimean War before retiring in 185...

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  • Brainbow
    终于找到经典名著的正确打开方式,先看电影或电视剧再挑战原作。2016年BBC迷你剧选角精准也把时代背景还原得不错,赏心悦目顺带把主角名字背一遍(其实没那么难记)。 只是书中最精彩的心理描写和哲学思辨实在拍不出来,只有有耐心读完四卷1200页外加150页史上最长后记的人才能体会。好像前面的所有情节和人物全都是为了演示作者关于时代与个人命运的思考而设置的。而这些思考在170年后的今天仍然重要,仍然悬而未决。
  • 01-10
    2021.10.17-2022.1.10有的人在现实里体验生活,有的人从书里感受生活。我好像是后者…生活似乎止步不前但是我却感觉自己可以通向所有地方。阅读是一座随身携带的避难所,谢谢托尔斯泰收留我这么久。Anthony Briggs的翻译特别棒,很好读。读完战争与和平有有什么体验?体验就是大家都说好的东西确实是好!我现在明白了“如果一辈子只读一本书,那就读战争与和平吧!”或者“如果上帝会写书,写出来就是战争与和平”,“史上最伟大的小说”诸如此类的评论,完全属实。希望我能再读一遍。
  • 小小
    终于看完了巨作,第二部分后记讨论时代背景的哲学思辨实在看不下去就没勉强了。后记总共150页的话我有大概一半没读,那就是读了1300多页,这是迄今为止读过最厚最厚的英文了(其实中文也没读过这么厚的),这让我觉得很有成就感。读了一个多月,两次都停在了10%左右就停下了,可是又想挑战自己,就又强迫自己捡了回来。看得不是书,告诉自己就当学习英文,很长的句子就去挑主谓宾这样就能很好的理解。很多生单词,每次都感慨什么时候可以不怎么查单词全部看懂呢?比如carriage, wagon, cart, (还有一个单词忘记掉怎么拼了)我现在也不明白他们的区别在哪里?为了完成这周看完的任务,周末有时候真的会除了吃饭都在看书,好像把看书当成了逃避现实的方式,有时候也不懂自己是真的喜欢看书还是在逃避现实?