Know Your Remedies

Know Your Remedies

Know Your Remedies presents a panoramic inquiry into China’s early modern cultural transformation through the lens of pharmacy. In the history of science and civilization in China, pharmacy—as a commercial enterprise and as a branch of classical medicine—resists easy characterization. While China’s long tradition of documenting the natural world through state-commissioned pharmacopeias, known as bencao, dwindled after the sixteenth century, the ubiquitous presence of Chinese pharmacy shops around the world today testifies to the vitality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rejecting narratives of intellectual stagnation or an unchanging folk culture, He Bian argues that pharmacy’s history in early modern China can best be understood as a dynamic interplay between elite and popular culture.

Beginning with decentralizing trends in book culture and fiscal policy in the sixteenth century, Bian reveals pharmacy’s central role in late Ming public discourse. Fueled by factional politics in the early 1600s, amateur investigation into pharmacology reached peak popularity among the literati on the eve of the Qing conquest in the mid-seventeenth century. The eighteenth century witnessed a systematic reclassification of knowledge, as the Qing court turned away from pharmacopeia in favor of a demedicalized natural history. Throughout this time, growth in long-distance trade enabled the rise of urban pharmacy shops, generating new knowledge about the natural world.

He Bian is assistant professor of history and East Asian studies at Princeton University.

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  • 不发奋子
    第一时间读到,太惊艳了。不是我的领域,但读完对整个明清社会的epistemology转折有了醍醐灌顶的认识。写作也是典范,佩服边和,as always❤️
  • 东木
    作者把本草知识的发展放在理学的变化还有明清以来的政治、经济方面的变化下来理解。感觉想表达的东西很多,时段也很长,但是篇幅太有限,不少地方应该还有进一步阐发的余地。宋代以来知识权威的去中心化是个复杂而曲折的过程,书里面处理得并不够清晰。作者前面写北宋政府11世纪就没有能力对本草知识进行控制(且不论是不是有这个打算),后面又说弘治皇帝的死标志着宫廷医学与理学士大夫开始争抢知识权威。那么南宋到金元这期间的情况又如何呢?作者回应列文森对儒家amateurism的批评,认为理学士大夫玩票本草和明末政局相关,而并非“an unchanging feature of Chinese elite culture”, 但又说玩票对本草知识产生了重大影响,既然如此,用amateurism是否有必要?
  • m0rm0r
    真像封底高彦颐的推荐语一样,this magnificent book is destined to become a classic. 因为研究课题的原因,博士论文写作期间,反复读过作者的博士论文,然而完成博士论文之后再读此书,发现已经和博士论文完全不一样了。计划写一篇书评,看到很多微信公众号的推介中把书的题目翻译为“对症下药”,总感觉有点儿抓不到这本书的精髓,我倒是对标题的翻译有另外一种想法。