100 Years of Fashion

- 书名:100 Years of Fashion
- 作者: Cally Blackman
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-01
- 评分:
- ISBN:9781856697989
This book documents in pictures the most exciting and diverse period in fashion: from 1900 to today, covering high society, uniforms, sportswear, streetwear and couture. It will appeal to everyone with an interest in fashion as well as students. The last hundred or so years bore witness to the transformation of womens fashion. The restrictive corsetry of the early twentieth century gave way to looser styles such as those made fashionable by French fashion designer Paul Poiret. As womens lives changed dramatically under the shadow of two World Wars, so the style of female dress was altered beyond recognition. From home dressmaking to couture, from rationing to The New Look, from the birth of the teenager to mass manufacture, from high society to celebrity culture. Over 400 photographs and illustrations, many published for the first time, tell the stylish story of a fashion revolution.
- 上一篇: 即学即用的商务话语沟通艺术
- 下一篇: 艺术与宇宙技术
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