Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture

The computing world today is in the middle of a revolution: mobile clients and cloud computing have emerged as the dominant paradigms driving programming and hardware innovation today. The Fifth Edition of Computer Architecture focuses on this dramatic shift, exploring the ways in which software and technology in the cloud are accessed by cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile computing devices. Each chapter includes two real-world examples, one mobile and one datacenter, to illustrate this revolutionary change. Updated to cover the mobile computing revolution Emphasizes the two most important topics in architecture today: memory hierarchy and parallelism in all its forms. Develops common themes throughout each chapter: power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, programming models, and emerging trends ("What's Next") Includes three review appendices in the printed text. Additional reference appendices are available online. Includes updated Case Studies and completely new exercises.

John L. Hennessy is the president of Stanford University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1977 in the departments of electrical engineering and computer science. Hennessy is a fellow of the IEEE and the ACM, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Spanish Royal Academy o...

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  • 多情键盘无情键
    以前面试的时候,我经常说,我问的这个问题在 csapp 第某章里,你回去可以看一下。最近提这本书也比较多。
  • lAxxx
    不是研究 Architecture 的没必要细读, Computer Organization and Design 和 CSAPP 就足够了
  • Blade