Money and Empire
- 书名:Money and Empire
- 作者: Perry Mehrling
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-06
- 评分:
- ISBN:9781009158572
Charles Kindleberger ranks as one of the twentieth century's best known and most influential international economists. This book traces the evolution of his thinking in the context of a 'key-currency' approach to the rise of the dollar system, here revealed as the indispensable framework for global economic development since World War II. Unlike most of his colleagues, Kindleberger was deeply interested in history, and his economics brimmed with real people and institutional details. His research at the New York Fed and BIS during the Great Depression, his wartime intelligence work, and his role in administering the Marshall Plan gave him deep insight into how the international financial system really operated. A biography of both the dollar and a man, this book is also the story of the development of ideas about how money works. It throws revealing light on the underlying economic forces and political obstacles shaping our globalized world.
Perry Mehrling, Boston University
Perry Mehrling is Professor of International Political Economy at Boston University.
- 上一篇: The Record of the Black Dragon Year
- 下一篇: 诗词曲语辞汇释
醉步男05-01Key Currency and Dollar Shortage
ToriAmos12-31历时一个月终于赶在年底看完,没想到仍能喜提豆瓣首评。本书实质上在讲美元作为储备货币的历史,兼论Charlie的思想发展史。随着战后英国经济实力的衰弱,美国开始积累贸易顺差并成为国际债权人,美元作为储备货币开始国际化,使得新一轮主权货币-主导国家的周期开始。当欧洲、新兴国家经济恢复,美国开始出现贸易赤字,书中第二部分详细介绍了学者和政治家对该现象的担忧和辩论,Charlie在1969年论文中提到关注流动性和偿付性奠定了后来学者对美元霸权的分析的基础。非常敬佩Charlie不限于学界的分工化、进行全面系统的思考的能力,以及他实践导向的"Money view"(想必这也是Perry热衷于钻研他的原因),但他也展现出理想主义的cosmopolitanism,或许是他中后期政治影响力不足的重要原因。