- 书名:Necropolitics
- 作者: Achille Mbembe
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-06
- 评分:
- ISBN:9781478006510
In Necropolitics Achille Mbembe, a leader in the new wave of francophone critical theory, theorizes the genealogy of the contemporary world, a world plagued by ever-increasing inequality, militarization, enmity, and terror as well as by a resurgence of racist, fascist, and nationalist forces determined to exclude and kill. He outlines how democracy has begun to embrace its dark side---what he calls its “nocturnal body”---which is based on the desires, fears, affects, relations, and violence that drove colonialism. This shift has hollowed out democracy, thereby eroding the very values, rights, and freedoms liberal democracy routinely celebrates. As a result, war has become the sacrament of our times in a conception of sovereignty that operates by annihilating all those considered enemies of the state. Despite his dire diagnosis, Mbembe draws on post-Foucauldian debates on biopolitics, war, and race as well as Fanon's notion of care as a shared vulnerability to explore how new conceptions of the human that transcend humanism might come to pass. These new conceptions would allow us to encounter the Other not as a thing to exclude but as a person with whom to build a more just world.
Achille Mbembe is Research Professor in History and Politics at the Wits Institute for Social and Economy Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He is author of Critique of Black Reason and coeditor of Johannesburg: The Elusive Metropolis, both also published by Duke University Press.
- 上一篇: 多元视野与传统的合理化
- 下一篇: 艷華
WhiteFang02-13过于喜欢引用其他哲学家的理论,有时感觉远远超出了论述所需。作为后殖民理论家,Mbembe借用福柯的生命政治考察,提出了与之相反相成的“死亡政治”。对于他来说,最能体现现代性-后现代性的地方始终是殖民地。在这里空间被无限分割,一整个人群的生计被剥夺,生命失去意义。由此催生出的是非理性的政治斗争、以死求自由的自杀式袭击者和无处不在的战争机器。日常化的战争变成了游戏,整个殖民地无时无刻不处于state of seige之中(对应阿甘本的state of exception);最符合这种死亡政治的是当代巴勒斯坦、种族隔离的南非。