Old God's Time

Old God's Time

Recently retired policeman Tom Kettle is settling into the quiet of his new home, a lean-to annexed to a Victorian castle overlooking the Irish Sea. For months he has barely seen a soul, catching only glimpses of his eccentric landlord and a nervous young mother who has moved in next door. Occasionally, fond memories return, of his family, his beloved wife June and their two children.

But when two former colleagues turn up at his door with questions about a decades-old case, one which Tom never quite came to terms with, he finds himself pulled into the darkest currents of his past.

A beautiful, haunting novel, in which nothing is quite as it seems, Old God's Time is about what we live through, what we live with, and what may survive of us.

Sebastian Barry was born in Dublin in 1955. The 2018-21 Laureate for Irish Fiction, his novels have twice won the Costa Book of the Year award, the Independent Booksellers Award and the Walter Scott Prize. He had two consecutive novels shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, A Long Long Way (2005) and the top ten bestseller The Secret Scripture (2008), and has also won the Kerry ...

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  • 王几言
  • ways and means
  • 威叔在香港
    2023.08.29. 今年我的第一本布克奖提名书!虽说【不剧透】,但还是要说一下:这是本极为悲伤的书(绝对可以看的人抑郁的那种…)。故事开始于在爱尔兰海边小镇独自生活、退休9个月的警探Tom突然一天接到前同事带着未了的案子登门造访,而故事的内核,是爱尔兰教会孤儿院和寄宿学校常年存在的【性侵幼童】这个社会性顽疾、以及它带给主人公Tom及家人终其一生的巨大家庭悲剧。Sebastian Barry用非常意识流的写作手法来营造和体现Tom在经历了巨大创伤后的精神状态(极其优美的文笔,但的确不容易跟住情节),在近200页的铺垫后于最后60页将所有Tom的过往悲剧集中“揭秘”,并完成Tom在故事最后“扮演神/审判者”一般的复仇、自我救赎和解脱。我非常佩服作者讲这样故事的勇气和能力,祝入围短名单好运。