Paris in the Present Tense

Paris in the Present Tense
In the midst of what should be an effulgent time of life―days bright with music, family, rowing on the Seine―Jules is confronted headlong and all at once by a series of challenges to his principles, livelihood, and home, forcing him to grapple with his complex past and find a way forward. He risks fraud to save his terminally ill infant grandson, matches wits with a renegade insurance investigator, is drawn into an act of savage violence, and falls deeply, excitingly in love with a young cellist a third his age. Against the backdrop of an exquisite and knowing vision of Paris and the way it can uniquely shape a life, he forges a denouement that is staggering in its humanity, elegance, and truth.
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  • 盐官
    16.02.2019 小说通过一位古稀老人的视角,精准的演绎了“岁月如歌”。他一生中多少激荡的片段构成的这曲交响乐,随着仲夏巴黎的一丝风,戛然而止。