Homage to Gaia

Homage to Gaia

James Lovelock tells the fascinating story of his life as an independent scientist and how he came to develop his inventions and theories. He has filed more than 50 patents, including one for the electron capture detector that was important in the development of environmental awareness, in connection with both the detection of pesticide residues in the environment and the discovery of the global distribution of CFCs. He also tells us about the work he has done for organizations such as NASA, the Ministry of Defence, The Marine Biological Association, and many companies such as Shell and Hewlett Packard. From his childhood days in east London to a job as a lab assistant - his first crucial steps to becoming a scientist, from chemistry at Manchester University to the Medical Research Council during World War II, his voyage to the Arctic, taking his family to America, returning to England and fighting to save the ozone layer, his quest for gaia, then into the nineties and a stream of awards, including a CBE from the Queen. James Lovelock has led a fulfilling life and has been widely recognized by the international scientific community.

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  • 目送飞鸿
    读《Deep Simplicity》时才第一次知道James Lovelock,才知道《三体》中提到的盖亚理论原来是他开创的。这本书是Lovelock在80岁时写的自传,非常诧异于他对一生中的那些细节记得那么清楚,并且毫无掩饰地写出来。这是一个特立独行的科学家,或许也只有英国那样的环境才能产生。他关于早年阶级差异,英国战后贫乏,英国和美国在对待商业、科研、医疗等方面差异的描述,也让对英国历史不太熟悉的人印象颇深。他在70岁后感到人生重新开始,享受人生的硕果,不由让人感叹造化不负人。事实上他在80岁后还写了多本书,今年已是101的他,还在疫情后接受采访。真是完美的人生了。祝老人家健康长寿。(这本书居然我是豆瓣上第一个读的)