Against Interpretation and Other Essays

Against Interpretation and Other Essays

"Against Interpretation" was Susan Sontag's first collection of essays and is a modern classic. Originally published in 1966, it has never gone out of print and has influenced generations of readers all over the world. It includes some of Sontag's best-known works, among them "On Style", "Notes on 'Camp", and the titular essay "Against Interpretation", where Sontag argues that modern cultural conditions have given way to a new critical approach to aesthetics.

Susan Sontag was born in Manhattan in 1933 and studied at the universities of Chicago, Harvard and Oxford. She is the author of four novels, a collection of stories, several plays, and six books of essays, among them Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors. Her books are translated into thirty-two languages. In 2001 she was awarded the Jerusalem Prize for the body of her...

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  • Demeter
    向她老学写作!(esp. 积累形容词与句法)
  • 苏觋觋
    读下来极为流畅。其实她写很多论文的时候,实则是在吐槽某些文学家,譬如她讽刺的scientistnovelist C P Snow
  • Shwvejrjej
    就读了Part 1 & 2, 可以说还比较失望,虽然Sontag的文笔极好,收获不少金玉良言,但前两篇有关艺术评论的随笔浅尝辄止,提出了the aesthetic vs. the conceptual, 批判了文学理论和罗兰巴特的中性写作强调了stylistic decisions的重要性后没有展开讨论stylistic core 后面附文有关Camus的写作 Leiris的写作 青年Lukács的Marxist文学也都是擦边球 既和前两篇联系不紧密也是围绕着进行写作 旁征博引但没有一针见血 那作为艺评也许有待改进