Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space

Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space

In fairy tales, happy endings are the norm—as long as you're beautiful and walk on two legs. After all, the ogre never gets the princess. And since fairy tales are the foundational myths of our culture, how can a girl with a disability ever think she'll have a happy ending?

By examining the ways that fairy tales have shaped our expectations of disability, Disfigured will point the way toward a new world where disability is no longer a punishment or impediment but operates, instead, as a way of centering a protagonist and helping them to cement their own place in a story, and from there, the world. Through the book, Leduc ruminates on the connections we make between fairy tale archetypes—the beautiful princess, the glass slipper, the maiden with long hair lost in the tower—and tries to make sense of them through a twenty-first-century disablist lens. From examinations of disability in tales from the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen through to modern interpretations ranging from Disney to Angela Carter, and the fight for disabled representation in today's media, Leduc connects the fight for disability justice to the growth of modern, magical stories, and argues for increased awareness and acceptance of that which is other—helping us to see and celebrate the magic inherent in different bodies.

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  • Jacintta H
  • 徐慢懒
    童话批评+回忆录。解析童话的部分好看:童话中disfigurement&disability常常等同于缺陷甚至邪恶、happy-endings意味着主角改变并且借此融入了社会而非系统改变来容纳个体、身残志坚类inspirational porn掩盖了日常的个体体验,迪士尼公主和漫威英雄们叙事下隐含的对able-bodiedness的推崇等等,可惜作者的个人回忆嵌入得不是很流畅,部分论述也显得有点重复杂乱,但还是很值得一读。Fairy tales are not real, but neither are they ever only stories and we have to make space for different stories.