Theater of the Dead

Theater of the Dead

In eleventh-century China, both the living and the dead were treated to theatrical spectacles. Chambers designed for the deceased were ornamented with actors and theaters sculpted in stone, molded in clay, rendered in paint. Notably, the tombs were not commissioned for the scholars and officials who dominate the historical record of China but affluent farmers, merchants, clerics—people whose lives and deaths largely went unrecorded. Why did these elites furnish their burial chambers with vivid representations of actors and theatrical performances? Why did they pursue such distinctive tomb-making? In Theater of the Dead, Jeehee Hong maintains that the production and placement of these tomb images shed light on complex intersections of the visual, mortuary, and everyday worlds of China at the dawn of the second millennium.

Assembling recent archaeological evidence and previously overlooked historical sources, Hong explores new elements in the cultural and religious lives of middle-period Chinese. Rather than treat theatrical tomb images as visual documents of early theater, she calls attention to two largely ignored and interlinked aspects: their complex visual forms and their symbolic roles in the mortuary context in which they were created and used. She introduces carefully selected examples that show visual and conceptual novelty in engendering and engaging dimensions of space within and beyond the tomb in specifically theatrical terms. These reveal surprising insights into the intricate relationship between the living and the dead. The overarching sense of theatricality conveys a densely socialized vision of death. Unlike earlier modes of representation in funerary art, which favored cosmological or ritual motifs and maintained a clear dichotomy between the two worlds, these visual practices show a growing interest in conceptualizing the sphere of the dead within the existing social framework. By materializing a “social turn,” this remarkable phenomenon constitutes a tangible symptom of middle-period Chinese attempting to socialize the sacred realm.

Theater of the Dead is an original work that will contribute to bridging core issues in visual culture, history, religion, and drama and theater studies.

Jeehee Hong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Music Histories at Syracuse University. Her research focuses on the ritual art and visual culture of middle-period China (9th-14th centuries), and has worked on themes as diverse theatricality in painting, shifting roles of tomb portraits, cultural patterns of emerging local elite, temporality in tomb imageries,...

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  • Mimì
    一年級第一學期的時候,大家因為懶+討厭利用上課湊書評的教員集體沒有讀這本。現在看來也是歪打正著。在英語學界刻意深化對大陸學術的刻板印象來凹自己的貢獻真的好嗎。“我很驚訝中國的學者沒有留意到這些材料的歷史價值,也許他們只在意documentary吧” ,“我的研究把戲劇從金往前提到了北宋。” 但凡作者看過一點點戲曲考古的東西就應該知道真宗年間(1020?)山西的舞亭碑刻早就是常識性內容了,關於宋雜劇和金院本的關係 老一輩學者文戈前就寫出來了,還用等到2016年說嗎。誰不知道金元考古材料多,文獻跟不上?我一個半吊子都看不下去了。宋都世俗化了 形成以錢為本階層文化了 怎麼不說自己把晚明江南的turn提到了北方內地呢 hh
  • Advenue
    作者大抵是想在「唐宋變革論」或"localist turn"的歷史敘述中找到11到15世紀墓葬上的對應,她選擇的入手點是"theatricalization of tomb"。點到11世紀開始中國北方墓葬不僅吸取了戲曲圖像並且將「戲劇性」帶入了墓葬設計中其實就已經足夠耳目一新, 但作者的ambition非要將這個戲劇化傾向和social turn靠在一起,以求打破之前墓葬的二元化(dualism),即life和afterlife的區隔,實則反而是證據不足,根基不穩。如果要說值得稱贊的,那便是這本書補足、加強了巫鴻《黃泉下的美術》中對墓葬中戲曲元素的探討。
  • Stager (道士)