Ishi in Two Worlds

- 书名:Ishi in Two Worlds
- 作者: Theodora Kroeber
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-13
- 评分:
- ISBN:9780520240377
The life story of Ishi, the last Yahi Indian, lone survivor of an exterminated tribe, is unique in the annals of North American anthropology. For more than forty years, Theodora Kroeber's biography has captivated readers. Now recent advances in technology make it possible to return to print the 1976 deluxe edition, filled with plates and historic photographs that enhance Ishi's story and bring it to life. Ishi stumbled into the twentieth century on the morning of August 29, 1911, when, desperate with hunger and terrified of the white murderers of his family, he was found in the corral of a slaughter house near Oroville, California. Finally identified as a Yahi by an anthropologist, Ishi was brought to San Francisco by Professor T. T. Waterman and lived there the rest of his life under the care and protection of Alfred Kroeber and the staff of the University of California's Museum of Anthropology. Karl Kroeber adds an informative tribute to the text, describing how the book came to be written and how Theodora Kroeber's approach to the project was a product of both her era and her special personal insight and empathy.
- 上一篇: Camgirls
- 下一篇: Barrikaden-Lieder
makzhou2019-11-30作者是勒古恩的妈妈,描述北加州最后一位Yahi印第安部落的幸存者Ishi的一生。他在1911年闯入「现代世界」,与两位人类学者Alfred Kroeber(作者丈夫)和Thomas Waterman还有后来的医生Saxton Pope建立了友谊。一位跨越两个世界的旅行者。作者在叙述Ishi故事时也充满了大量的矛盾甚至可以说愧疚,因为各印第安部落的消亡与白人(作者)的作为密切联系在一起。书的前一半充满这种情感。后半部非常生动地描述了Ishi作为一个人,一个腼腆、心灵手巧、内向、又聪敏的人。我看这本书带有私心:从中可以看到勒古恩的创作受此影响(这本书成书大约是50年代,Ishi已经于1916去世):关于「真名」(Ishi从未透露)、关于一个异乡人在异界的故事(《一无所有》)、想象另一种文化的可能