Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition
- 书名:Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition
- 作者: Jason Gregory
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-17
- 评分:
- ISBN:9781466560017
A 2010 CHOICE outstanding academic title, this updated book covers the theory and practice of game engine software development. It explains practical concepts and techniques used by real game studios, such as Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog. Suitable for both beginners and seasoned engineers, the text includes all the required mathematical background. Examples are grounded in specific technologies, but the discussions extend beyond any particular engine or API. This edition adds new material, including a chapter on audio.
Jason Gregory has worked as a professional software engineer since 1994. He got his start in game programming in 1999 at Midway Home Entertainment in San Diego, where he wrote tools and engine code, including the Playstation 2/Xbox animation system for Freaky Flyers, Hydro Thunder 2 and Crank the Weasel. In 2003, Jason moved to Electronic Arts Los Angeles, where he worked on en...
- 上一篇: 天生反叛
- 下一篇: 分子筛与多孔材料化学(第二版)
杰瑞12-21感觉比四星要强 但又够不上五星我是站在要亲自动手做一个游戏引擎的角度上来评价的 总得来说 我觉得如果你不是职业做引擎的 还是有必要看一下 查缺补漏的如果做相关的工程技术 这本书肯定避不开。而且本身拥有大量的对于图形技术 操作系统 计组 的科普。所点到的很多知识 也是相关行业常常面试要考的。而且 本书也介绍了很多顽皮狗游戏引擎的具体技术 比如fiber based job system和game object的数据格式 感觉也很有借鉴价值但是 从实际操作的角度看 感觉书中很多内容写的有点啰嗦 总是先呈现好多种不好的例子 最后说最好的 以及有些操作系统和机组的内容没必要很细节 推荐给读者一些书看就好 本书在细节不够 没有很多前因后果的介绍下 还写了大量并行并发的内容有些浪费读者时间