The Ideology of Kokugo
- 书名:The Ideology of Kokugo
- 作者: Lee Yeounsuk
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-17
- 评分:
- ISBN:9780824833053
Available for the first time in English, The Ideology of Kokugo: Nationalizing Language in Modern Japan (1996) is Lee Yeounsuk's award-winning look at the history and ideology behind the construction of kokugo (national language). Prior to the Meiji period (1868-1912), the idea of a single, unified Japanese language did not exist. Only as Japan was establishing itself as a modern nation-state and an empire with expanding colonies did there arise the need for a national language to construct and sustain its national identity. Re-examining debates and controversies over genbun itchi (unification of written and spoken languages) and other language reform movements, Lee discusses the contributions of Ueda Kazutoshi (1867-1937) and Hoshina Kand#x014D;ichi (1872-1955) in the creation of kokugo and moves us one step closer to understanding how the ideology of kokugo cast a spell over linguistic identity in modern Japan. She examines the notion of the unshakable homogeneity of the Japanese language--a belief born of the political climate of early-twentieth-century Japan and its colonization of other East Asian countries--urging us to pay attention to the linguistic consciousness that underlies "scientific" scholarship and language policies. Her critical discussion of the construction of kokugo uncovers a strain of cultural nationalism that has been long nurtured in Japan's education system and academic traditions. The ideology of kokugo, argues Lee, must be recognized both as an academic apparatus and a political concept.
森木三02-17扎实,是很好的关于国语国字问题和言文一致与近代日本政治史的入门读物。把语文运动和现代民族国家建立的并行关系梳理得很清楚;主要关注在政策制定和官方(?)话语;如果能有更多批判和深入的分析就更好了(but again,学界和受众均不同,不该用自己的标准去强求别人。)