
- 书名:遍历性理论引论
- 作者: P.Walters
- 格式:PDF
- 时间:2024-07-20
- 评分:
- ISBN:9787506260091
In 1970 I gave a graduate course in ergodic theory at the University of Maryland in College Park, and these lectures were the basis of the Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics Volume 458 called "Ergodic Theory--Introductory Lectures" which was published in 1975. This volume is nowout of print, so I decided to revise and add to the contents of these notes. I have updated the earlier chapters and have added some new chapters on the ergodic theory of continuous transformations of compact metric spaces. In particular, I have included some material on topological pressure and equilibrium states. In recent years there have been some fascinating interactions of ergodic theory with differentiable dynamics, differential geometry,number theory, von Neumann algebras, probability theory, statistical mechanics, and other topics. In Chapter 10 1 have briefly described some of these and given references to some of the others. I hope that this book will give the reader enough foundation to tackle the research papers on ergodictheory and its applications.
- 上一篇: 人工智能(第3版)(高等学校计算机教育规划教材)
- 下一篇: 接纳承诺疗法(ACT)
上木水蜜桃2024-06-04很好的入门读物,顺便发现本科的遍历理论讲义原来就是汉化这本书( 但其实感觉虽然是汉化,但讲义改变了顺序还是很不错的,我看第八章讲两种熵的变分的时候,满脑子都在想:第四章的测度熵讲的是什么,我怎么全忘了??讲义的话把两种熵放在一起讲确实舒服不少。还有一个提醒是如果不喜欢群表示以及仿射相关的内容没准可以不用太认真看?因为我导师说这方面很多东西都被做的差不多了,剩下的都是很难很难的问题