不过如北2020-07-06the ability of central banks to be stimulative ends when the central bank loses its ability to produce money and credit growth that pass through the economic system to produce real economic growth. That lost ability of central bankers typically takes place when debt levels are high, interest rates can’t be adequately lowered, and the creation of money and credit increases financial asset prices more than it increases actual economic activity. At such times those who are holding the debt (which is someone else’s promise to give them currency) typically want to exchange the currency debt they are holding for other storeholds of wealth. When it is widely perceived that the money and the debt assets that are promises to receive money are not good storeholds of wealth, the long-term debt cycle ...
不过如北2020-06-04As far as how the economic machine works, the big thing is that money and credit is stimulative when it’s given out and depressing when it has to be paid back. That’s what normally makes money, credit, and economic growth so cyclical.
不过如北2020-06-04Having a reserve currency is great while it lasts because it gives the country exceptional borrowing and spending power but also sows the seeds of it ceasing to be a reserve currency, which is a terrible loss. That is because having a reserve currency allows the country to borrow a lot more than it could otherwise borrow which leads it to have too much debt that can’t be paid back which requires its central bank to create a lot of money and credit which devalues the currency so nobody wants to hold the reserve currency as a storehold of wealth.
伊羽沫2022-10-24The classic toxic mix of forces that brings about big interal conflict 1) the country and the people in the country being in bad financial shape (i.e. having big debt and debt obligations), 2) large income, wealth, and values gaps within that entity and 3) a severe negative economic shock.
伊羽沫2022-10-24From studying history it appears to me that the stages of archetypical cycle from internal order to internal disorder and back ateas follows:Stage 1 ,when the new order begins and the new leadership consolidates power, which leads to...… Stage 2, when the resource-allocation systems government bureaucracies are built and refined,which if done well leads to... … Stage 3, when there is peace and prosperity, which leads to … ...Stage 4, when there are great excesses in spending and debt and the widening of wealth and political gaps, which leads to.....Stage 5, when there are very bad financial conditions and intense conflict, which leads to.....Stage6, when there are civil wars / revolutions, which leads to...…Stage 1 ,which leads to Stage 2 etc. with the cycle happening over again.
书签2022-02-17不过,历朝历代中国内部也发生过许多暴力战争。中国境外的为数不多的战争是为了建立中国的相对实力和打开贸易机会。 学者认为,中国不愿意在国外扩张的原因是,中国疆域已经很大制起来很费力;中国人更愿意保持文化的纯洁性,而这最好是通过立来实现传统上在与其他帝国打交道时,中国人更喜欢运用类似于艺前是到的哲学所主张的方式,即双方知道自己的地位,并在此基上行动。如果中国更强(通常是这样),较弱的国家就会向中国纳,包括送礼和给予其他好处,作为回报,它们通常会获得对和平的保证、对它们权威的认可以及贸易机会。这些处于从属地位的国家通保持自己的风俗习惯,中国不干涉这些国家的运行。