
  • 莱布尼糍
    Markets are constructed by people, for purposes chosen by people -- and they can be changed and rebuilt by people.
  • 莱布尼糍
    A person in a disappointing relationship-- commercial, personal, orpolitical-- has three choices: she can leave,complain, or endure in silence.
  • 莱布尼糍
    But the United States, like Britain, did not want other nations to emulate its path to prosperity. The American Empire, the largest and most powerful the world has known, was primarily a system ofeconomic rather than political controls. The goal was not to rule other nations, but to make money. And in pursuit of that goal,the United States during the twentiethcentury repeatedly demonstrated the kind of freedom it was most interested in promoting was free trade.
  • 莱布尼糍
    Milton Friedman worked to end the Bretton Woods system almost from the hour of its creation, telling anyone who would listen that nations should let financial markets determine exchange rates.He was among the first to call attention to the fact that Bretton Woods was buttressed and preserved by limits on trade. He also warned, with considerableprescience, that the stability of the system was maintained only by deferring necessary economic adjustments. Countries with fixed rates could become trapped like continental plates trying tomove in opposite directions -- the longer the plates were locked together, the greaterthe eventual earthquake was likely to be.
  • 莱布尼糍
    Sometimes it is necessary or desirable for government to hurt people, but Kaldor-hicks obscures both the fact of the harm and the identity of the victims. As with so much in economics, it ignores the question of distribution. It istheory to gladden the hearts of winners, it is less clear that losers will be comforted by the possession of theoretical benefits.
  • 莱布尼糍
    What is called sound economics is very often what mirrors the needs of the respectably affluent. ---- John Kenneth Galbraith Money: Whence it came, Where it went
  • 莱布尼糍
    Policy makers had tolerated inflation because the cure was held to be more painful than the disease.
  • 莱布尼糍
    The clear focus of federal economic policy at the end of the 1960s still was to ensure that Americans had jobs, even at the expense of inflation. By the beginning of the 1980s, the clear focus of economic policy would be on getting rid of inflation, even at the expense of jobs.
  • 莱布尼糍
    In 1967, for example,Friedman said the Fed was stimulating the economy because the money supply was increasing, while Fed officials insisted they were hitting the brakes, because interest rates were rising. Friedman was right and the economy boomed. In 1968, Friedman predicted a temporary tax increase would not check growth because the moneysupply continued to expand. He was vindicated again. One wit observed that thecoincidences were becoming harder for the Keynesians to explain.
  • 莱布尼糍
    He (Milton Friedman) wrote in his 1998 memoirs that economists exert influence by keeping options available when something has to be done in a time of crisis"-by ensuring the refrigerator is well stocked when policy makers open the door.