Dr.Phisher2019-04-18California, the department-store state. The most of everything and the best of nothing.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18“Never the time and place and the loved one all together,” “What’s that?” She tried to throw me out with the point of her chin, but even she wasn’t that good. “Browning. The poet, not the automatic. I feel sure you’d prefer the automatic.”
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18She made a couple of drinks in a couple of glasses you could almost have stood umbrellas in.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18She smelled the way the Taj Mahal looks by moonlight.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18Her voice froze on the second word, like a feather taking off in a sudden draft. Then it cooed and hovered and soared and eddied and the silent invitation of a smile picked delicately at the corners of her lips, very slowly, like a child trying to pick up a snowflake.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18She looked almost as hard to get as a haircut.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18I left him to his thoughts, which were probably as small, ugly and frightened as the man himself.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18The corridor which led to it had a smell of old carpet and furniture oil and the drab anonymity of a thousand shabby lives.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18Her voice faded off into a sort of sad whisper, like a mortician asking for a down payment.
Dr.Phisher2019-04-18Her voice was as cool as boarding-house soup.
fall out boy2013-08-30她淡淡一笑。贵族化的疲惫。