It's So Easy

  • [已注销]
    One thing that never seeped from my otherwise porous ethical system: almost anything could be deemed fun and games when it was your life and your life alone that you were toying with, but endangering someone else was unacceptable. I was not going to participate in any situation where an innocent third party was being harmed. This was not just basic human decency.
  • 芹泽虾饺菌
    I open my eyes.Where the fuck am I?Thirsty as a motherfucker. Vodka?Vodka, vodka, vodka.I sit up. Drape my legs over the edge of the bed. Elbows on knees.Head in hands. I groan.Vodka.Fumble for the phone.I clear my throat and spit on the floor.Into the phone: ice.Where the fuck am I?That sound, that ominous sound.Schiesse!Scheisse, scheisse, scheisse.Not a good word. The change in tone.The bad rumble of a stadium of fans becoming foes. Again. Not again, please.I throw my full cup onto the floor of the stage. No! I turn around and glare toward the wings of the stage. I hold my thumb and pointer finger far apart and thrust my hand toward my bass tech, McBob. Then I pinch them almost together and gesture again. That much vodka and that much cranberry.I spit on the hotel carpe...