
  • MoneyMelancho
    25. Use Verbs, Active OnesFor instance, write with nouns and, especially, verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs. In revision the adjectives and adverbs should be the first to go. Delete as many as you can. The imperative is a good substitute for the passive, especially for talking a reader through mathematical argument: "then divide both sides by x" instead of "both sides are then divided by x."!!!!!!!!!!Verbs make English. If you pick out active, accurate and lively verbs you will write in an active, accurate, and lively style. You should find the action in a sentence and express it in a verb. Expressing it in a phrase functioning as a noun saps vigor. Circle every "is: in your writing, and if the page looks like a bad case of acne, replace every "is" with a real, action verb. ...
  • MoneyMelancho
    13. Control Your ToneThe successful piece will have an author the reader can tolerate. Writing is a little drama in which the writer chooces the roles. You cannot abstain as a writer from making a choice.... Writing, like teaching or social life, is a performance, ajob of acting. NO!!! "due to", "period of time", "views were opposing"C. Wright Mills, "To overcome the academic PROSE you have first to overcome the academic POSE. It is much less important to study grammar and Anglo-Saxon roots than to clarify your answer to three important questions: 1. How difficult and complex after all is my subject? 2. When I write, what status as I claiming for myself? 3. For whom as I trying to writie. " in other words, what spoils academic writing is lack of confidence. Tone is transmitted by a...