The Art of Cloning
宜男2017-09-05If reality could really be transparent, there would be no ideology and no oppression. Ideology needs fiction to operate, so does its resistance. In contemporary China, when intellectuals are increasingly distanced from politics, probably only ordinary people can rekindle the dynamics between culture and politics in their ordinary lives. 意識形態總是要透過虛構的想象 才得以操作 對意識形態的抗爭 也同樣需要想象力Culture is by nature a process, pointing to an open future through the unsettling couse of diversification. But the inherent association between culture and plurality was deliberately stamped out in the C R, which also pevented the people from imagining an open future. In a similar way, the "China dream" promoted by the current Xi government is only a most blatantly unimaginative endorsement of the present. 想象力的貧乏 不過是...