enoch20902019-02-12A neural network consists of a set of neurons that are con nected together. A neuron takes a set of numeric values asinput and maps them to a single output value. At its core, aneuron is simply a multi-input linear-regression functionThe only significant difference between the two is that ina neuron the output of the multi-input linear-regressionfunction is passed through another function that is calledthe activation function.
enoch20902019-02-12A frequent mistake that many inexperienced data scientists make is to focus their efforts on the modeling stageof the CRISP-DM and to rush through the other stagesThey may think that the really important deliverable froma project is the model, so the data scientist should devotemost of his time to building and finessing the model Hovever, data science veterans will spend more time on ensuring that the project has a clearly defined focus and that it has the right data. For a data science project to succeed, adata scientist needs to have a clear understanding of the business need that the project is trying to solve. So the
enoch20902019-02-12The distinctive feature of GPUS is that they cancarry out fast matrix multiplications. However, matrix multiplications are useful not only for graphics rendering but also for ML. In recent years, GPUS have been adapted and optimized for ML use, which has contributed to large speedups in data processing and model training. User-friendly data science tools have also become available and lowered the barriers to entry into data science. Taken to-gether, these developments mean that it has never beeneasier to collect, store, and process data.
enoch20902019-02-12The key to success is getting the right data and finding the right attributes.