In Search of Schrodinger's Cat

  • 目送飞鸿
    Theorists such as d’Espagnat and David Bohm argue that we must accept that, literally, everything is connected to everything else, and only a holistic approach to the universe is likely to explain phenomena such as human consciousness.
  • 目送飞鸿
    This confirmation that nuclear forces, as well as electric forces, can be thought of purely in terms of interactions between particles is a cornerstone of the physicists’ view of the world today. All forces are now regarded as interactions (between particles).
  • 目送飞鸿
    A photon that leaves a distant star and arrives at the earth may spend thousands of years on the journey, measured by clocks on earth, but takes no time at all as far as the photon is concerned. A photon of the cosmic background radiation has, from our point of view, been traveling through space for perhaps 15 thousand million years since the Big Bang in which the universe as we know it began, but to the photon itself the Big Bang and our present are the same time. The photon’s track on a Feynman diagram has no arrow on it not only because the photon is its own antiparticle, but because motion through time has no meaning for the photon—and that is why it is its own antiparticle.
  • 目送飞鸿
    In the quantum world, what you see is what you get, and nothing is real; the best you can hope for is a set of delusions that agree with one another.
  • 目送飞鸿
    First, we have to accept that the very act of observing a thing changes it, and that we, the observers, are in a very real sense part of the experiment—there is no clockwork that ticks away regardless of whether we look at it or not. Secondly, all we know about are the results of experiments.
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    From July 1925 until September 1927 Bohr published hardly anything on quantum theory, and then he presented a lecture in Como, Italy, which introduced the idea of complementarity and what is known as the “Copenhagen interpretation” to a wide audience. He pointed out that whereas in classical physics we imagine a system of interacting particles to function, like clockwork, regardless of whether or not they are observed, in quantum physics the observer interacts with the system to such an extent that the system cannot be thought of as having independent existence.
  • Ancy
  • Ancy
  • 目送飞鸿
    To understand how to construct,or reconstruct, genes, we have to understand how and why atoms join together only in certain arrangements, certain distances apart and with chemical bonds of a certain strength. That understanding is the gift of quantum physics to chemistry and to molecular biology.