faustparody2021-11-03The devil, our culture, and our sinful nature all try to corrupt us. Our strictly human desires, even our best ones, can become twisted versions of themselves. But they too can be redeemed to something higher. Creatures of heaven will be greater than those of the garden. Elsewhere, Lewis wrote that “Love ceases to be a demon only when it ceases to be a god.”Unsanctified love leads us into a snare. Most of the world loves this way, Christ followers are not exempt. We make these transactional agreements with God in a way to use Him as a means to an end. But God has shown us a more excellent way. Do I love to be loved? Or I do love because I was first loved?
faustparody2021-11-03I won’t spoil how the novel ends, mostly because I doubt I can do it justice; you may even disagree with my interpretations. But I will say that what I read on the last page changed the way I viewed the entire story. What I thought was going to be a tragedy turned into a story of redemption. Orual wasn’t an evil queen that needed to be punished, but instead, a daughter that needed to be redeemed.Redemption in its most literal sense means to be liberated from slavery. Orual’s controlling love may have been hurting her sister, but she was being suffocated under the weight of a bondage of her own making. She was enslaved. Always the victim of her own overriding passions. The Apostle Paul told us that “...you are slaves of the one whom you obey...” Her expectations perverted all the relation...
faustparody2021-11-03Here we see the major theme of mis-identification. We think the god a demon. We also believed that Orual, our main character is heroic. In the narrative of our own lives, we always see ourselves as the hero. We wishfully believe that Providence is on our side and that we are justified in all that we do so long as it is in the name of love. After all, isn’t the main character always the hero? Every story tells us so. But as we read we see inside the mind of a girl desperately trying to control the ones she loves. What the book ultimately reveals is that it was Orual’s love for Psyche that was really going to devour them both.As I read the book, I started to feel sick to my stomach. Even now, years later, I can still feel it. I began to identify with poor Orual. I thought about my recent ...
faustparody2021-11-03She takes up arms and embarks on what appears to be the heroic journey up the mountain. She will have to brave the elements and potentially face the dreaded and fabled Shadowbrute all in the hope that her sister still lives. But it’s here that the novel turns. When Orual arrives Psyche is indeed alive. The supposed brute turns out to instead be a benevolent god. Orual wants her sister to return with her, but to her horror, they are indeed wed, and Psyche views her heavenly husband not as captor but as savior. Psyche is originally perfectly content, but with some effort, Orual ends up manipulating Psyche into betraying her new husband. And the book proceeds to handle the fallout of their separation.