The Clean Coder
Grissiom2012-01-03It is the structure of your code that allows it to be flexible. Ifyou compromise the structure, you compromise the future.
[已注销]2011-06-08My machine is a Macbook Pro, 2.8Ghz Intel Core i7, with a 17-inch matte screen, 8GB ram, 512GB SSD, with two extra screens
[已注销]2011-06-08MDA assumes that the problem is code. But code is not the problem. It has never been the problem. The problem is detail.
[已注销]2011-06-08Each language has it’s own particular unit testing tool. My favorites are JUnitfor Java, rspec for Ruby, NUnit for .Net, Midje for Clojure, and CppUTest for C and C++.
[已注销]2011-06-08Craftsmanship is the mindset held by craftsmen. Craftsmanship is a meme that contains values, disciplines, techniques, attitudes, and answers.
[已注销]2011-06-08I had learned long ago that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission!
[已注销]2011-06-08It makes no sense to tell a programer to devote half their time to project A and the rest of their time to project B, especially when 。。。
[已注销]2011-06-07Focus is a scarce resource, rather like manna. After you have expended your focus-manna, you have to recharge by doing unfocused activities for an hour or more.
[已注销]2011-06-07became ver y clear to me that he was the sculptor, and I was the tool he was wielding.
[已注销]2011-06-06Professional developers allocate their personal time in order to ensure that the time spent at the office is as productive as possible.
[已注销]2011-06-06I’ve found that in each case that the key to mastery is confidence and error-sense.
[已注销]2011-06-061. You say you’ll do it.2. You mean it.3. You actually do it.
[已注销]2011-06-06The promise to try is an admission that you’ve been holding back, that you have a reservoir of extra effort that you can apply
[已注销]2011-06-06She aggressively defended her position, despite the wheedling and cajoling from Mike. Mike was playing on a team of one. Mike is for Mike.
[已注销]2011-06-06The best possible outcome is the goal that you and your manager share. The trick is to find that goal, and that usually takes negotiation.
[已注销]2011-06-06Managers are people with a job to do, and most managers know how to do that job pretty well. Part of that job is to pursue and defend their objectives as aggressively as they can.
[已注销]2011-06-06Professionals speak truth to power.
Whyme Lyu2012-03-18So you make the meme observable. You act as a role model. You become a craftsman first, and let your craftsmanship show. Then just let the meme do the rest of the work.
自由的柠檬2012-10-10下面列出了每个专业软件开发人员必须精通的事项。- 设计模式。必须能够描述GoF书中全部24种模式,同时还要有POSA书中多数模式的实战经验。- 设计原则。必须了解SOLID原则,而且要深刻理解组件设计原则。- 方法。必须理解XP、Scrum、精益、看板、瀑布、结构化分析及结构化设计等等。- 实践。必须掌握测试驱动开发、面向对象设计、结构化编程、持续集成和结对编程。- 工件。必须了解如何使用UML图、DFD图、结构图、Petri网络图、状态迁移图表、流程图和决策表。