
  • 索里提亚
    隐士如果不安于隐居,厌倦流水潺潺、斜阳天色,因此而混迹在人群中、市场里,真是无可救药愚蠢至极啊!而我竟然出现在市场上。高人啊,不要妄图说服这些民众,我要对你们说:“远离市场吧!那里没有人会相信你们,你尽管自顾自地说话吧,说得再完美也不会有人领悟道理的一分,民众们相互眨着眼,只会说:‘我们不都一样吗?(We are all equal)哪会有什么高人啊,上帝面前我们都一样!可现在上帝已死。相等?我们还不愿与你们这些所谓的高人混为一谈呢!离开市场吧,你们这些高人!’”
  • 索里提亚
    I love the valiant; but it is not enough to wield a broadsword, one must also know against whom. And often there is more valor when one refrains and passes by, in order to save oneself for the worthier enemy.You shall have only enemies who are to be hated, but not enemies to be despised: you must be pround of your enemy....therefore go away into the woods and lay your sword to sleep.Go your own ways! And let the people and peoples go theirs-- dark ways, verily, on which not a single hope flashes any more.我可爱的勇士,走你们的路,拔出刀子来对准更有价值的仇敌吧。
  • 索里提亚
    But whoever would become light and a bird must love himself: thus I teach.We are presented with grave words and values almost from the cradle:"good" and "evil" this gift is called. For its sake we are forgiven for living.And therefore one suffers little children to come unto one-- in order to forbid them betimes to love themselves: thus the spirit of gravity orders it.And we-we carry faithfully what one gives us to bear, on hard shoulders and over rough mountains. And should we sweat, we are told:" Yes, life is a grave burden." But only man is a grave burden for himself! That is because he carries on his shoulders too much that is alien to him. like a camel, he kneels down and lets himself be well loaded. Especially the strong, reverent spirit that would bear much: he loads too many al...
  • 索里提亚
    the wholesome, healthy selfishness that wells from a powerful soul-- from a powerful soul to which belongs the high body, beautiful, triumphant, refreshing, around which everything becomes a mirros-- the supple, persuaive body, the dancer whose parable and epitome is the self-enjoying soul. The self enjoyment of such bodies and souls calls itself "virtue"....it says: bad--that is cowardly! contemptible to its mind is anyone who always worries, sighs, is miserable, and also anyone who picks up even the smallest advantages. It also despises all wisdom that wallows in grief; for verily, there is also wisdom that blooms in the dark, a nightshade wisdom, which always sighs: all is vain....In still lower esteem it holds the subservient, the doglike, who immediately lie on their backs, the humb...
  • 索里提亚
    我从没在权力面前低过头,我不是一个爬行者,即便我躺下也是为爱而躺下。我喜欢冬天,不喜欢夏天,一张简陋的床比一张富贵的床更能让我感觉温暖,我珍惜着我的贫困 (I am jealous of my poverty)。在寒冬里,我的贫困对我最忠诚。I begin every day with a bit of malice: I mock the winter with a cold bath; that makes my severe house guest grumble.一切善的原由有千万种,而一切恶都是为快乐而存在,因此他们怎么能仅仅做一次!It is my favorite malice and art that my silence has learned not to betray itself through silence. Rattling with discourse and dice, I outwit those who wait solemnly: my will and purpose shall elude all these severe inspectors. That no one may discern my ground and ultimate will, for that I have invented my long bright silence. Many I found who were clever: they veiled their faces and muddied their waters that nobody might see through them, deep down. But precisely to them came the cleverer mistrusters and nutcrac...
  • 索里提亚
    以前我看见一个年轻的放牧者,一条粗黑的蛇钻进了他的嘴里,有半截露在外面,他喘着气,扭动着身体挣扎着,我用力拽蛇,可是我并不能把它拖出,于是我疯狂地喊“咬吧!咬吧!咬掉它的头吧!”我的恐惧、厌恶、同情及一切善恶都从我口里爆发出来。你们这些勇敢的探险者啊!你们这些在恐怖的大海上与狡猾的帆同航的人啊!谜之嗜好者啊!请解开我亲历的谜吧,给我说说这孤独者的幻象吧!我在这比喻里能看见什么呢?那迟早要来的人是谁呢?毒蛇爬进口内的那个牧人是谁呢?那忍受黑暗与痛苦的是谁呢?结果是牧人果然按照我的呼喊做了,他用尽了力气去咬了!把蛇头吐出远远的,他自己就跳了起来。他不再是一个牧人,也不是一个人,他变形了,周身围着一圈光芒。他在大笑着!任何一个人都不如他那样痛快地笑过!啊,兄弟们,我听到了一个并非人类的笑声,好像一个不可满足的渴望在吞食着我,我渴望那个笑声。啊,我怎能忍受这样的生活呢?我又怎能忍受这样去死呢? My longing for this laughter gnaws at me; oh, how do I bear to go on living! And how could I bear to die now!
  • 索里提亚
    “啊,查拉图斯特拉,”他一字一顿地讽刺,“你这智慧之石啊!你把自己往高处抛,可是一切被抛的石块一定会落下!啊,查拉图斯特拉,你这智慧之石,被抛的石头,是星球的破坏者。你把自己向空中抛得很高,但是,一切被抛的石头,必然落下。查拉图斯特拉,你注定要被自己抛的石头击毙,你把石头抛得很高,它会掉在你头上!”然后那小人很久不说话,这种沉默压着我,真的,虽然有两个人,但比我一个人还孤独!上升,上升,做梦,思考,一切都压着我,我像一个病人:刚因为他的糟糕的痛苦而疲乏入睡,却又被一个糟糕的幻梦惊醒。我身上有一个东西,名叫勇敢:它一直是沮丧的天敌。勇敢终于叫我站住,说道:“小人!去死吧,你或是我!”攻击时的勇敢,是最好的杀手;一切攻击中,必有胜利的号角。Man, however, is the most courageous animal: hence he overcame every animal. With playing and brass he has so far overcome every pain; but human pain is the deepest pain.Courage also slays dizziness at the edge of abysses and where does man not stand at the edge of abysses? Is not seeing always-- seeing abysses?Courage is the best slayer: courage slays even pity. But pity is the deepest abyss: as deeply as man sees into life, he also sees into suffering.Courage, how...
  • 索里提亚
    一个孩子告诉我,当我睡着的时候,一只绵羊吃我脑袋旁边的用长春藤做的花环。它一边吃,一边说:“查拉图斯特拉不再是一个学者了!”接着,它便不屑地离去。我喜欢躺在这里,孩子们在这倒塌的墙与长满蓟草与红罂粟的地方游戏。对于孩子们与花草,我仍然是一个学者。他们搞恶作剧时显得很天真。对于绵羊,我不再是学者,我的命运要我如此 — — 祝福我吧!I am not, like them, trained to pursue knowledge as if it were nutcracking. I love freedom and the air over the fresh earth; rather would I sleep on ox hides than on their decorums and respectabilities.I am too hot and burned by my own thoughts; often it nearly takes my breath away. Then I must go out into the open and away from all dusty rooms. But they sit cool in the cool shade: in everything they want to be mere spectators, and they beware of sitting where the sun burns on the steps. Like those who stand in the street and gape at the people who pass by, they too wait and gape at thoughts that others have thought. 如果谁用手...
  • 索里提亚
    我带着良好的愿望来访问你们,以后会怎样呢?虽然我担心,但我忍不住笑起来!我从未见过这些五彩缤纷之物。我止不住地笑,同时我的腿和心在抖着:“这里居然是个颜料罐之乡。”今日之人啊,你们的脸上与四肢涂着各种颜色,我很惊讶地看见你们坐在那里!有五十面镜子围着你们,反射着这颜色之戏!今日之人啊,再好的面具也比不上你们自己的真容!谁能认出你们来呢?你们身上本来写满过去的符号,现在又涂满了新的,即使是密码解读者也不能解释你们!即使有人会查看内脏,可是你们能让谁相信你们还有内脏呢!你们看上去就是用颜料与纸片做成的。不同时代、不同的人们都隔着你们的面纱去考察你们的习惯与信仰,如果除去了你们的面纱、包布、颜料,人们看到的一定是个可以吓鸟之物。真的,我就是一个受惊吓的鸟儿,见过你们的裸体,当这骨架向我暗送秋波时,我落荒而逃。我宁愿在地狱里干活,因为那里的居民也比你们充实丰满!你们说:“我们完全是现实的,没有信仰,也没有迷信。”你们标榜自己的同时,却没有可标榜之物。你们这些五颜六色的人啊,你们怎会有信仰呢?你们只是一切信仰之图片!你们的信仰与行动、你们的思想与四肢都是脱节的,你们这些现实者,我称你们为不可信者!所有时代在你们的精神里互相争吵,所有梦想与争吵都比你们的清醒更现实。You are sterile: that is why you lack faith. But whoever had to create also had his prophetic dreams and astral signs-- and had faith in faith. You are half-open gates at which the gravediggers wait. And this is your reality:" Everything deserves to perish."...
  • 索里提亚
    我今天遇到一个卓越之人,他很严肃,是精神之忏悔者,我的灵魂大笑他的丑陋!他挺着胸,默默地站着。他身上装饰着许多可怕的真理,衣衫褴褛,身上有许多刺,没有一朵玫瑰。他还不会笑与美,他忧郁地刚从知识之林回来。他刚和野兽斗过,在他的严肃里,还有另一个野兽,那是一个未被制服的野兽。他站着像一个蠢蠢欲动的虎,我不喜欢他那紧张的灵魂,也不喜欢那沉默的态度。朋友们,你们说“趣味是不应当讨论的吗”?但是,整个的生命就是趣味之争!趣味同时是重量、天平与测量者,万物要生存却不与重量、天平与测量者斗争是不幸的!这卓越的人,等到他开始厌倦他的卓越时,他的美才会表现出来,我才会喜欢他,才会觉得他合我的趣味。直到他背弃了他自己,他才能跳过他的阴影,从而跳入他的太阳里。他在阴处待得太久了,这精神之忏悔者已经面色苍白,他几乎饿死在他的盼望中了。他的眼神带着轻蔑,双唇藏着厌恶,他现在正歇着,仍然不在太阳底下。他应当像公牛一样做事,在他的幸福中应当充满泥土气息,而不该散发着对于大地轻蔑的气息。我希望他像一头正在耕地的白牛,它的喘息应当是在赞颂大地。他的面部是黑的,他用手的影子遮住了它,他的目光依然停留在阴暗处。他的行为也是个阴影,遮挡着他自己。他还没有战胜他的行为。As yet his knowledge has not learned to smile and to be without jealousy; as yet his torrential passion has not become still in beauty.Verily, it is not in satiety that his desire shall grow silent and be submerged, but in beauty. Gracefulness is part of the graciousne...
  • 索里提亚
    其实,你们的意志就是要一切存在都屈服于你们!正如精神的形象要恭敬地服从着精神的镜子。你们的整个意志就是你们的权力意志,它决定着善恶标准和价值判断。你们想创造一个世界,在那里你们可以顶礼膜拜,以此寄托着你们最后的希望与最后的陶醉。是的,愚昧的民众正像一条河,是它在承载着小船,在这小船里乘着价值判断。你们用你们的意志和价值引导着民众,而在民众认为是所谓的善与恶里,我认出那是一个古老的权力意志。你们这些智者,被你们精心打扮的实际上就是你们的统治意志!concerning Life and the Nature of all the living:Whatever lives, obeysHe who cannot obey himself is commandedCommanding is harder than obeying. 这是因为命令者负着一切服从者之重任,而这重任也许就压垮了他,而且我看出,一切命令都是尝试与冒险,当生物发出命令的时候,他便冒着生命的危险。同样,当他命令自己的时候,他也得为这命令付出代价。他必得成为自己的法律的法官、报复者与牺牲品。不论哪时,只要我找到生物,我就能找到权力意志。即便在服从者之意志里,我也能找到做主人的意志。弱者之意志说服了弱者,使他为强者服务,同时这个意志也想成为更弱者的主人。这是他不情愿放弃的唯一乐趣。弱者屈服于强者,以取得统治更弱者的快乐,同样,弱者屈服于自己的权力意志,而为权力甘愿冒着生命的危险。强者的屈服就是冒险与孤注一掷。哪里有牺牲、服务与爱之秋波,哪里就有做主人的意志。弱者就是要通过示弱而取得强者的信任,最终可以盗取权力。
  • 索里提亚
    你的很久以来所处的那个群体会说:“寻觅者往往迷失自己,一切孤独都是错的。”群体的声音总是萦绕在你周围,等到有一天,当你说“我再也和你们没有共同语言了”时,那一定是非常伤心和痛苦的。瞧,这痛苦就是那群体共同的观念造成的,而这观念的最后的影响也会体现在你身上,使你郁闷,但你走向这种苦恼的路,同时也是走进自己世界的路,你愿意吗?那么就表现出你的权威与魄力来吧!你具有新的权威与魄力吗?你是首要动力或者说自转之轮吗?你能吸引星球们围绕你转吗?唉!有那么多的欲望和野心,请向我表现出你不是一个利欲熏心之徒吧!唉!有那么多的大思想,但那也只不过像是风箱一样不断地膨胀,同时也更加空虚了。Are you one of those who had the right to escape from a yoke? There are some who threw away their last value when they threw away their servitude.你有权摆脱束缚吗?许多人在摆脱束缚的同时也失去了他最终的价值。
  • 索里提亚
    你们聚在邻人的周围,想办法与他好好相处,对此,你们还有美丽的借口。但是让我来告诉你们吧,你们的邻人之爱只不过是对自己的不负责任,因为你们不去爱自己。你们不关心自己,却关爱邻人,并想把邻人之爱当成一种美德,但是我看透了你们的这种“无私”。“你”比“我”大,所以“你”比“我”优先,“你”被敬若神明,而“我”却没有如此殊荣,所以大家都忙着交好他的邻人。我劝你们去爱邻人了吗?我是要劝你们远离邻人而去关爱远方的人们。You cannot endure yourselves and do not love yourselves enough: now you want to seduce your neighbor to love, and the gild yourselves with his error.但愿你们不能忍受任何邻人与其近邻,于是,你们不得不培养一个朋友并对他倾心照顾,当你们想颂扬自己时,就去找来一个证人,如果你们能引导他对你们大加赞扬,你们心里也就称赞自己起来了。他不仅违背自己的认识而说谎,而且有悖于自己的良心,说谎者在交流中不仅骗了邻人,也骗了你们自己。One man goes to his neighbor because he seeks himself; another because he would lose himself. Your bad love of yourselves turns your solitude into a prison.
  • 索里提亚
    “你应当力争第一,超越别人。除了朋友外,你那妒忌的灵魂,不要再爱任何人。”这就是每一个希腊人的灵魂,所以,他们特别伟大。“要诚实守信,为了诚信,不惜一切代价。”有的民族谨守这个原则,超越了自己,生机勃勃,前途光明。Verily, men gave themselves all their good and evil. Verily, they did not take it, they did not find it, nor did it come to them as a voice from heaven. Only man placed values in things to preserve himself-- he alone created a meaning for things, a human meaning. Therefore he calls himself "man," which means: the esteemer.To esteem is to create: hear this, you creators! Esteeming itself is of all esteemed things the most estimable treasure. Through esteeming alone is there value: and without esteeming, the nut of existence would be hollow. Hear this, you creators!Change of values-- that is a change of creators. Whoever must be a creator always annihilates.Zarathustra saw many ...
  • 威震逍遥津