R.Peng2021-12-13通过重新开发,与作为集体化社会主义生产单元即单位相关联的空间和建筑的象征性已大多被彻底抹去。即使在那些没有被抹去的地方, 这些体系的意义也已经开始丧失,像幽灵般萦回在曾经充满了社会主义梦想和希望的城市上空。
R.Peng2021-12-12他们的解释并非另辟蹊径;实际上,许多试图界定当代中国社会经济发展趋势的努力,都是基于这样一个公式:这个公式等号的左边,是从计划经济向市场经济的转型,右边则是从集体向个体与从单位向社会相伴的转型。 这套话语往往忽略了它本身是另一种重要转型的产物, 即从马克思向韦伯的转变,这种转变是由中国社会学学科的恢复和不再笃信历史唯物主义的精确性这两重力量所驱动的。问题并不在于韦伯的理论框架本身,而在于它被不加反思地用做一种对中国未来进行预测的模型,而被它替代的马克思主义,过去也是这样被应用的。“ 看起来,马克思主义革命目的论已经被韦伯主义的现代性目的论所替代。未来不再是建立在平等主义公社的基础上,而是基千以市场为中介的理性个体之间的合同关系。
R.Peng2021-12-12单位的空间设计反映了两个核心目的: 一是在微观层面象征并再生产社会主义国家的秩序;二是在单位成员中推行一种社会主义的集体化生活方式。
宜人豆豆2017-12-12I suggest that the planning of space should be viewed as a governmental practice which has emerged, on the one hand, out of particular rationalities of governmental action and, on the other hand, within particular contexts of social relationships. It is not something that has been simply imposed from above, but rather a set of practices that has developed through long processes of experimentation, theoretical debate, and practical experience. To analyse a particular regime ofspatial practice, it is necessary to consider the logic and rationality that informs it, the particular spatial forms that it attempts to realise, as well as the historical and social context into which these interventions are made.
宜人豆豆2017-12-12The research strategy underpinning this work is avowedly interdisciplinary. I have attempted to develop an analytical perspective based on the use of primary and secondary materials covering a long historical period from a range of disciplinary fields including architecture, urban planning, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies and political science. Since I am neither an anthropologist nor a sociologist, I did not attempt to undertake systematic fieldwork, case studies, or surveys. Instead I sought to build upon the many fine existing empirical studies of urban China and to integrate my own research findings with the existing archive knowledge within a new interpretive framework.