Asita2024-02-07“One of the most significant potentialities of SF as a form is precisely this capacity to provide something like an experimental variation on our own empirical universe” ([Jameson, 2005, p. 270]“The historical opportunities of SF as a literary form are intimately related to this paralysis of so-called high literature. The officially "non-serious" or pulp character of SF is an in dispensable feature in its capacity to relax that tyrannical "reality principle" which functions as a crippling censorship over high art, and to allow the "para literary" form thereby to inherit the vocation of giving us alternate versions of a world that has elsewhere seemed to resist even imagined change.” ([Jameson, 2005, p. 270]
鲁智深2018-05-17Desire is permanently scandalous precisely because it admits of no "solution" —promiscuity, repression, or the couple all being equally intolerable.