
  • 吃鱼君
  • 吃鱼君
  • 奇妙
    …with Pratt a similar caution can be detected in all matters relating to ‚interference‘, as if from the architect point of view all the occupants of a house, whatever their social standing, had become nothing but a potential source of irritation to each other. Accordingly, the integration of household space was now for the sake of beauty, its separation was for convenience — an opposition which has since become deeply engraved into theory, creating two distinct standards of judgement for two quite separate realities: on the one hand, an extended concatenation of spaces to flatter the eye (the most easily deceived of the senses, according to contemporary writers); on the other, a careful containment and individual compartments in which to preserve the self from others. This split betwee...
  • 奇妙
    Madama loggia, based on Nero’s Golden House and combined work of Raphael, Giulio Romano and Giovanni da Udine, cannot be explained by the urge to impress or in terms of iconography alone. … It could be that the incidental and accessory nature of architecture was precisely what led it to become so visually rich. Of all the senses, sight is the most appropriate for things at the boundary of experience, and that is exactly what a room, particularly a large room, provides; an edge to perception. In the immediate precincts of the body, the other senses prevail.
  • Writing Cities
    ... The utilitarian basis of architectural functionalism has tended to simplify notions of purpose, and has given us only the ankle-cartilage of what is a much more complex affair... ... The architectural see-saw is between form and function, meaning and purpose, symbol and utility, commodity and delight - up one side and down the other...
  • HHb
    Bring with me the conviction that architecture and the visual arts were closely allied, I was soon struck by what seemed at the time the peculiar disadvantage under which architects labour, never working directly with the object of their thought, always working at it through some intervening medium, almost always the drawing, while painters and sculptors, who might spend some time on preliminary sketches and maquettes, all ended up working on the thing itself which, naturally, absorbed most of their attention and effort......The sketch and maquette are much closer to painting and sculpture than a drawing is to a building, and the process of development - the formulation - is rarely brought to a conclusion within there preliminary studies. Nearly always the most intense activity is the cons...
  • 女宛心兑
    不在场的在场在场的不在场物体的逃逸性转换生成语法 是否真的就用拓扑不变性取代了测量不变性,或者,将建筑物做成莫比乌斯带、克莱因瓶(一种没有内外之分的瓶体)、投影平面,而不再是杆件和平面,并不重要。
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
    我们是可以通过使用各类物质实体去影响社会变化的----这就是社会工程学(social engineering)这个世界就是一个舞台,一个用于展示行动的舞台,展示的不是我们的行动,而是他们的行动。“无等级建筑”扶植行动。它应该有着那种能从“无”到有的不断创造的拟人属性。
  • 女宛心兑
  • 女宛心兑
  • 奇妙
    Dividing the house into two domains — an inner sanctuary of inhabited, sometimes disconnected rooms, and an unoccupied circulation space — worked in the same way as Mather’s sign, making it difficult to justify entering any room where you had no specific business. With this came a recognisably modern definition of privacy, not as the answer to a perennial problem of ‚convenience‘, but quite possibly as a way of fostering a nascent psychology in which the self was, for the first time, felt to be not just at risk in the presence of others, but actually disfigured by them. There was a commonplace analogy in seventeenth-century literature that compared a man’s soul to a privy chamber, but it is hard to tell now which became more private first, the room or the soul. Certainly, their histories...
  • 奇妙
    ...according to him, the passage was for servants: to keep them out of each other’s way and, more important still, to keep them out of the way of gentlemen and ladies. There was nothing new in this fastidiousness, the novelty was in the conscious employment of architecture to dispel it — a measure in part of the antagonism between rich and poor in the turbulent time, but also an augury of what was to render household life placid in years to come. as to the main apartments, they were to be enfiladed into as long a vista of doors as could be obtained. The corridor was not, therefore, an exclusive means of access at this time, but was installed parallel to interconnecting rooms.
  • 奇妙
    The change was important not only because it necessitated a rearrangement of the entire house, but also because it radically recast the pattern of domestic life
  • 奇妙
    „if anything is described by an architectural plan, it is the nature of human relationships, since the elements whose trace it records — walls, doors, windows and stairs — are employed first to divide and then selectively to re-unite inhabited space.“