Sean Gorilla2013-08-28As with other societies, early and modern, the ancient Greeks are a mixed bag when it comes to sex and sexuality. On the one hand, Greek art catalogs homosexual acts, naked men playing sports with other naked men, and all forms of prostitution. Rape was common, considered the right of men in a show of domination over women: the great god Zeus was the master rapist, disguising himself so that he could ravish both men and women.
江湖遠人2014-01-06The Italians called it the Spanish disease, the English called it the French pox, the Spanish called it the Castilian disease, the Poles named it after the Russians, and the Russians named it after the Poles. By1505, the Christian, Polish, French, Neapolitan, Russian, Spanish, Persian, Turkish, English pox had traveled all the way to Asia. Other appellations included las bubas, bosen blattern, mankabassam, malade Frantzos, and Cupid’s measles. But by the sixteenth century, the terrible disease was knowntomost simply as syphilis.
江湖遠人2014-01-06妓女的委婉说法:从拉丁语中衍生的对妓女的称呼spurcae lupae——肮脏的破鞋meretrix —— 人尽可夫的女人,职业中最典雅的成员prostibula —— 站在她的小棚子前的女人proseda —— 在九点以前禁止出现的女人(享受不到下午的快乐)minae —— 笑剧表演者,经常被认为是妓女(实际上也确实如此)cymbalistriae —— 演奏钹的人(奇怪的交集)ambubiae —— 歌女,同上citharistriae —— 竖琴演奏者,同上scortum —— 和客人秘密会面的妓女scrota erratica —— 在街上游荡的人,对她们的职业保持缄默busturiae —— 在坟墓和葬礼上聊天的妓女们(在这种场合能够找到客人)copae —— 酒吧女delicatae —— 情妇famosae —— 肮脏的鸽子(从好家庭中出来的女人,沦为职业妓女)dois —— 赤裸身体的、漂亮的妓女lupae —— 女狼,这个称呼的来源或者是因为她们在性交时发出声音,或者因为她们的欲望就像动物一样aelicariae —— 面包师的女孩们noctiluae —— 夜间行走者blitidae —— 一种在小酒馆中售卖的便宜饮料的名称,这样的小酒馆往往是妓女们谈生意的地方forariae —— 在路上拦截客人的村姑gallinae —— “到处走的母鸡”,这些是从客人那里偷东西的妓女amasiae —— 荡妇,这些女孩对维纳斯充满了崇拜
江湖遠人2014-01-06最有创意的安全套品牌出现在80年代中期之后,他们一方面冲击了人们的思维模式,另一方面也让历史上那些曾经出现的安全套名字显得沉闷单调。这里例举几个:“羊皮盾小伙”(Aegis Big Boy)、“香蕉撞击”(Banana Hit)、“滑合座”(Snug Fit)、“甜心骑士”(Sweet Rider)、“和服”(Kimono)、“塔希提”(Tahiti)、”唤醒“(Arouse)、”相模“(Sagami)、”玛当娜“(Madonna)、”乌合之众拦截者“(Crowd Stopper)、”癫狂“(Frenzy)、”加倍轻浮“(Double Butterfly)、”合拍“(Contempo)、”热棒棒“(Hot Rod)……以及献给过总统克林顿致敬的”莱温斯基的忠诚“(Laiwensifi)和”克里顿“(Kelitun)。
江湖遠人2014-01-06男同性恋者的俚语,20世纪50年代到80年代,50年代:保护性雨衣(Protective raincoat)、保险栓(Safety)、外套(Topcoat)。60-80年代:膜皮(Membranous envelopes)、袋子(Bag envelopes)、爱之袋(Love envelopes)、外套(Overcoat)、凿套(Pecker glove)、高潮袋(Apex envelopes)、劲力袋(Fibrous envelopes)、法国秘密(French secret)等。
江湖遠人2014-01-06橡胶被人无视在18世纪30年代一次亚马逊科学探险中由法国探险家和物理学家康达明(Charles de la Condamine)发现的。在英国英语中,橡皮(eraser)仍然被称为橡胶(rubber),“安全套”也会被称为橡胶(rubber),有时候这不免给人造成困扰。康达明的名字是Condamine,和安全套的英文condom如此相似,真是一个有趣的巧合。
江湖遠人2014-01-06爱(love)、院子(yard)、精疲力尽(spent/clpped)、来一回合(taking a bout)、冒失的爱(saucy love)、收割/耕耘(mowing)、盛极一时(giving a flourish)、醉生梦死(fuddled)、雏水鸭(flopper)、封起来的(enveloped)、盖上盖子的(topped)……
江湖遠人2014-01-06a whole bookful of these quondam carpetmongers, whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a blank verse...were never so truly turned over and over as my poor self in love...”
江湖遠人2014-01-06Give us the swords; we have bucklers of our own.If you use them, Margaret, you must put in the pikes with a vice;and they are dangerous weapons for maids.
江湖遠人2014-01-06O,you my lord! by Mars his gauntlet, thanks!Mock not,that I affect the untraded oath;Your quondam wife swears still by Venus’ glove...译文:啊!是您吗,将军?以战神的铁手套的名义,谢谢您!不要笑我发这样古怪的誓,您那位从前的太太总是凭着爱神的手套起誓的……
江湖遠人2014-01-06“I have and I will hold the quondam Quickly,”
江湖遠人2014-01-06There are a number of medieval Latinate words that may provide clues: condus means both “preserve” and “receptacle,” reflecting the fact that the original intent for the little device was to “preserve” the wearer from disease and that it was a receptacle for the “seed.” Then there is conduma, meaning house (con or cum means “with”—doma or duma means “roof of a house”) or even cumdum, which is either a false scabbard worn over a sword or theoilskin case for holding the colors of a military regiment.