
  • Maverick@Walden
    Power is the desire to influence others.Independence is the desire for self-reliance.Curiosity is the desire for knowledge.Acceptance is the desire for inclusion.Order is the desire for organization.Saving is the desire to collect things.Honor is the desire to be loyal to one’s parents and heritage. Idealism is the desire for social justice.Social Contact is the desire for companionship. Family is the desire to raise one’s own children. Status is the desire for social standing. Vengeance is the desire to get even.Romance is the desire for sex and beauty.Eating is the desire to consume food.Physical Activity is the desire for exercise of muscles. Tranquility is the desire for emotional calm.
  • Maverick@Walden
    The general rule of compatibility of desire profiles is that like- mindedness attracts and opposites repel. The following two principles ex- press this rule and are demonstrated throughout this chapter:Principle of Bonding: Couples bond when their desire profiles are similar.Principle of Separation: Couples grow apart when their desire profiles are dissimilar.When used as long-term indicators, these principles can help identify couples who are likely to grow together versus those who are likely to grow apart. However, they do not tell us much about short-term relationships. Two people with incompatible desire profiles can be physically attracted to each other, so that it is only after the sexual interest loses its novelty that the basic incompatibility drives them apart.
  • Maverick@Walden
    Those only are happy(I thought) who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art of our pursuit, followed not as means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming thus at something else, they find happiness by the way.
  • Maverick@Walden
    Problems can arise in a relationship when one or both partners has a very strong need for acceptance. Generally, a strong desire for acceptance is associated with negative self-esteem, or what is commonly called “needy” behavior, which can lead to adjustment problems.The desire for acceptance is an exception to the general rule that like- mindedness attracts and opposites grow apart. Generally, a low need for ac- ceptance increases compatibility with most partners, whereas a very high need for acceptance decreases compatibility with many partners. People with a very high need for acceptance can benefit from psychological coun- seling, especially when they experience significant relationship problems arising from their “needy” behavior.Insecure people are highly sensitive to rejection a...