Infinite Jest

- 书名:Infinite Jest
- 作者: David Foster Wallace
- 时间:2024-06-18
- 评分:
- ISBN:9780316921176
Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by David Foster Wallace. The lengthy and complex work takes place in a semi-parodic future version of North America, and touches on substance addiction recovery programs, depression, child abuse, family relationships, advertising, popular entertainment, film theory, Quebec separatism, and tennis, among other topics.
The novel includes 388 numbered endnotes (some of which have footnotes of their own) that explain or expand on points in the story. In an interview with Charlie Rose, Wallace characterized them as a method of disrupting the linearity of the text while maintaining some sense of narrative cohesion.[1]
The novel was included by Time magazine in its list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.[2]
As of 2006 (ten years after its publication), 150,000 copies of Infinite Jest had been sold and the book has continued to sell steadily.[3]
Wallace was 33 when the novel was published.
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0 K2015-02-19断续看了一年半,暂时无法评价。需要看完相关讨论后再看一遍。
大林煎饼2021-02-05读了其他书之后还是回过头来改成了五星。在一千多页的小说中偶尔觉得无聊的原因是其余部分太有趣了。goodreads高赞差评里说dfw能在这本书里写出有趣的片段,就好比猴子丢一千个飞镖总能够中靶几次。我觉得该是反过来,世界冠军扔一千个飞镖也总会脱靶那么几次。madame psychosis首次出场的那一章太棒了,语言上的微妙经营,就把那种depressed and detached的心态带出来了