Revolting Prostitutes

Revolting Prostitutes

How the law harms sex workers—and what they want instead

Do you have to think that prostitution is good to support sex worker rights? How do sex worker rights fit with feminist and anti-capitalist politics? Is criminalising clients progressive—and can the police deliver justice?

In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. Speaking from a growing global sex worker rights movement, and situating their argument firmly within wider questions of migration, work, feminism, and resistance to white supremacy, they make clear that anyone committed to working towards justice and freedom should be in support of the sex worker rights movement.

Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), a sex worker–led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow.

Molly Smith is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). She is also involved with SCOT-PEP, a sex worker–led charity based in Edinburgh, which is working to decr...

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  • 11-08
    因为前些天的互联网吵架,又把这书仔仔细细地看了一遍。两位作者对针对性工作的不同立法执法模式进行了很详细的梳理和对比,对哪怕是性工作者自组织所倡导的decrim,在广泛的、包括所有人的权利运动、社会革命的语境下,decrim的不足作者也毫不避讳。交叉性的思考也将毒品、边境、劳工权利、性少数权利、种族平权、健康权、医疗公平等等都纳入了性工作者运动的讨论抗争范围,也没有讳言新自由主义叙事的缺陷、性工作者内部的阶级。对我这个读者来说,很幸运的是几年前我对性工作最初的了解即来自在性工作者为中心的组织工作的女权主义者/ 学者、性工作者,顺着她们对这个世界有了更多实际的认知。the way a whore fights the power is of value to everyone.
  • CCy
    太好太好,在此之前可能我的观点只是简单的不要legalize sex work,但这恰恰正是问题所在,只关注symbolic而非practical层面。第三章讨论undocumented sex workers,讨论性工作者需与conditions of migration的社会语境结合;第五章涉及prison nation与police violence(联系具体的人);性工作者的权益同样是很具体的:是否有提供避孕套;是否有权力拒绝客户;是否在身处危险时能得到其他工作者或是经历的帮助等等。
  • shespurple
    很详尽 角度可以说是很新颖了 案例分析李是逻辑推理比较多 个人觉得如果能有更多的数据支持会更有说服力(我比较喜欢看数据 but still a great one!
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  • 长夏无事
    As a society, we obsessively valorise work as a key locus of meaning, status, and identity in our lives. At the same time, we struggle with shit jobs, falling wages, and the correct suspicion that what many of us do for money all day contributes nothing of real value to our lives or communities. Instead, we mostly just make profits for people further up the chain. In this confused and confusing context, to do what you love is deeply aspirational, a lean-in fantasy that gives an individual the illusion of control, a daydream of power in the office – and, in reality, a significant class-marker.