A History of Science in Society
"A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility is a concise overview that introduces complex ideas in a non-technical fashion without sacrificing the sophistication and richness of the subject. Andrew Ede and Lesley B. Cormack trace the history of science through its continually changing place in society and explore the link between the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to make that knowledge useful. Along the way, they discuss the specifics of scientific investigation and discovery. Beginning with a small group of philosophers in ancient Greece and ending with nano-technology, A History of Science in Society covers a vast sweep of time and subject matter. Among the many topics discussed are issues such as intellectual competition, gender and class, the economic exploitation of knowledge, and changing ideas about the environment and our relationship to it. Also included are more than 50 illustrations. Also available: A History of Science in Society, Volume I (from the ancient Greeks through Newton) A History of Science in Society, Volume II (from Newton to the present day)
作者 安德鲁·埃德(Andrew Ede),科技史与科技哲学博士,长期任教于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学历史与古典系,现为不列颠哥伦比亚大学奥卡纳干分校客座教授。著有《毒气、战火与硝烟催生的科学:化学战与大科学的起源》(2017)、《世界历史上的技术与社会》(2019)等。
莱斯利·科马克(Lesley B. Cormack),多伦多大学科技史与科技哲学博士,现任加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学奥卡纳干分校校长。曾担任加拿大科学史与科学哲学学会主席,阿尔伯塔大学人文社科学院院长(2010—2020),此前曾长期在该校历史与古典系任教。其研究方向为近代早期科学史。
译者 刘晓,中国科学院大学科学技术史系教授,《科学文化评论》副主编,中国科学院院史咨询专家组成员。研究方向为中国现代科技史,国际科技交流史,主讲《科学技术通史》《中国现代科技史文献》等专业课程;著译有《卷舒...
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