Not Working

Not Working

'To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world.' Oscar Wilde

More than ever before, we live in a culture that excoriates inactivity and demonizes idleness. Work, connectivity and a constant flow of information are the cultural norms, and a permanent busyness pervades even our quietest moments. Little wonder so many of us are burning out. In a culture that tacitly coerces us into blind activity, the art of doing nothing is disappearing. Inactivity can induce lethargy and indifference, but is also a condition of imaginative freedom and creativity. Psychoanalyst Josh Cohen explores the paradoxical pleasures of inactivity, and considers four faces of inertia - the burnout, the slob, the daydreamer and the slacker. Drawing on his personal experiences and on stories from his consulting room, while punctuating his discussions with portraits of figures associated with the different forms of inactivity - Andy Warhol, Orson Welles, Emily Dickinson and David Foster Wallace - Cohen gets to the heart of the apathy so many of us feel when faced with the demands of contemporary life, and asks how we might live a different and more fulfilled existence.

Josh Cohen

Josh Cohen is a psychoanalyst in private practice and Professor of Literary Theory at Goldsmiths University of London. He is the author of numerous books and articles on modern literature, cultural theory and psychoanalysis, including How to Read Freud and The Private Life: Why We Remain in the Dark.

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  • 就不爬起来
    预警:不是self-help,不是work-life balance。这本书从哲学角度审视了休息,睡眠,艺术,闲逛的必要性—不是因为它们为我们提供了缓冲,以便我们明天更好的工作。是它们本身的意义。这个意义是它们提醒我们:在work hard(资本主义体系下人的所有意义的来源)和play hard(努力工作的有意义的人可以得到的消费主义奖励)之外,人是否还有其他属性?Is human being just working being?【减一星是因为后面几章的论证没有清晰解答introduction提出的问题,但也有可能是我还需要再读一遍】
  • 忍冬
  • ཉི་མ།
    #2019040# 为了明天不工作,今天暂且好好工作吧。