The Circadian Code
- 书名:The Circadian Code
- 作者: Satchin Panda
- 时间:2024-06-18
- 评分:
- ISBN:9781635652437
When we eat may be as important as what we eat.
Like most people, you probably wake up, get hungry for meals and doze off in bed around the same time every day. If you’ve ever experienced jet lag or pulled an all-nighter, you know that this schedule can easily be thrown off kilter. But for some people, that imbalance—difficulty sleeping at night, hunger at odd times, or sudden fatigue at noon—is a constant. If you’re one of those people, Dr. Satchin Panda, one of the leading researchers on circadian rhythms, has a plan to reset your body clock.
Beginning with an in-depth explanation of the circadian clock—why it’s important, how it works, and how to know it isn’t working—The Circadian Code outlines lifestyle changes to make to get back on track. It’s a concrete plan to enhance weight loss, improve sleep, optimize exercise, and manage technology so that it doesn’t interfere with your body’s natural rhythm. Dr. Panda’s life changing methods show you how to prevent and reverse ailments like diabetes, cancer, and dementia, as well as microbiome conditions like acid reflux, heartburn, and irritable bowel disease.
Dr. Satchin Panda is a leading expert in the field of circadian rhythm research. He is a Professor at the Salk Institute and a, founding executive member of the Center for Circadian Biology at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Panda is a Pew Scholar and a recipient of the The Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research.
amino03-25从这里学到的TRE 受益匪浅。但时隔数年再看 发现行文中有太多空口无凭的假说被当作真理传教 老鼠实验extrapolate到人类 过度简化生理的模型 并以此为“论据”推导总之…尽信书不如无书
CoolKid.✨03-14Andrew Huberman最新一期播客的嘉宾,口音听着实在有些费力!还是看书更直接... 人体真的好奇妙好奇妙..还有太阳对人体的帮助,那些已知的未知的都让人感到神奇!